Bing's Manifold: need pics


are those manis strong? *newb to 240’s)

look like ebay garbage…??!

its all the exact same thing…

some people would tell you that they are different, but they are bullshitters.

do you really think that there are 10 different factories in china making the same piece? compared to most of the products that a facility with those capabilities could produce this is a remarkably low volume item.

for that reason alone i would say that there are only a couple factories making them.

Megan buys its stuff from one factory that these pieces come from.

Greddy and Apexi have been proven to have items made by these same facilities as well.

marketing marketing marketing, that is what you pay for when you go with the brand names… and better quality control obviously, but not so much so that it is worth 4x more.

did you notice the extra O2 bung? nice touch…wideband anyone…[/quote]

Looks like his o2 wouldn’t fit so he had to stick a bolt in the old hole and weld the new one…[/quote]

Partially true, ie: redtop O2, with the blacktop O2 bung, now with both bungs, it would be nice if the DP included a conversion plug or both bungs or something