Bird feeder email I got today


Umm I think you missed the part where the guy hanging the birdfeeder was essentially inviting the birds.
No where in that story does it say 100% of the blame is on the birds.
Try to read a little deeper next time.:smash2:

for that analogy to work birds would need to contribute nothing to the ecosystem and only take away.

haha +1


As it should be. This is the greatest country in the world, you should have to earn it to be a citizen. Apparently I am not the only one who needs to learn. :lol:

And for the record, I’m part native american… So all you motherfuckers are illegal aliens to me.

Look how an open immigration policy worked out for the indians.

^ typo, fuck, FAIL

do you not have to pay tax?

if so, will you buy shit for me if i give you loot? :slight_smile:

Psh. So your great-great-great-great…grandpa walked over the bearing straight before mine took a boat. :gotme:

Myth. There is very little my tax exempt number can be used for anymore. When I bought the GTO I looked for a way to get out of paying NYS sales tax and couldn’t find one.


i get so pissed when I’m at the grocery store spending $250 cash, and the lady ahead of me with the 2 cell phones, a perfectly matched outfit, and gold all over her pulls out her benefit card.

you can afford more bling when someone else pays your bills

hahahahahahahaha ^^^^^^^^
yep pisses me off too, just think about it, that 250.00 probably is paying for some of her food!!!

^ $250 you eat well huh?

I used to work in a pharmacy with a drive through window. I shit you not, there were people who would come pick up their free medicine billed to Medicaid in Lexus SUV’s.

and they were all illegals right?

Naw just freeloaders. Illegals can’t get medicaid.

No its not, the country was built on stealing land from the people here, people getting to this land mass any way they can without documentation and people creating the best life for themselves that they can.