Wow. This is kinda creepy:

hahahahaaha… i lol’ed and im in the library… anthony looked at me like i was on drugs… then he just shook his head at me

wow. No shit:bloated: Fatality

WTF bird on bird crime :tdown:

Wtf, that is so random.

shity way to go.


that was bad ass! took it whole too.

Wow, Lol, thats a Lil focked

thats one hungry fucking pelican, wtf.

in an act of defiance i vow to eat the pelican whole!

now that would be bad ass, but we need small childern there to start to scream when you get most of the body of the pelican down the throte box, and a news team too.

I will then continue the cycle and feed you to a lion.

if this was an intentional christians-lions joke i LOVE YOU

holy fuck the thing swallowed that bird still alive!

thats Noots

I saw a similar thing happen when i used to work at the zoo. A seagull ate a baby duck whole. It landed next to it, grabbed it by the head and just started gulping it down. Everyone that saw it happen just stood there shocked.