Bird feeder email I got today

Yep, that’s how it was built. What it is now is a country who’s economy is strained by people who aren’t contributing.

I say we make everyone on welfare who CAN work give their SSN to Mexicans who WILL work, and kick out the freeloaders. :tup: Who’s the true American anyhow? Those who want to work for a better life or those who expect to be handed one?

Damn, I should write that one down. :pimp:

shit then that would solve the east side issues we are having!!!

My friend’s G/f at the time came straight off a raft from cuba when she was 4 along with 12 others. 11 got shipped back to cuba but she was allowed to stay. Why? Fuck “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”

The history of your quote, part of the sonnet The New Colossus:

Nothing in there about jumping the fence or the even bigger BS policy of “wet foot dry foot”.


You are correct JayS. We don’t need those illegals here. When the Republicans get done with us common folk we’ll all be working at Wally World. We don’t want those illegals taking our minimium wage jobs or our mobile homes. With all the money held in the hands of the wealthy few there won’t be enough poverty to go around. Us citizens won’t be able to afford to share any of our poverty with the illegals.

When you think of America, you think of freedom and liberties, but at the same time, you cant ignore our faults. Its not too simple to just say “everyone pack up and leave”, it leaves too much room for more problems, this is an issue I’m sure our grandkids will face long after we are gone. Its going to be hard for a country founded on freedom to deny it to newcomers, whether their presence is positive or negative towards our country.


People really need to get it through their thick skulls that stopping ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS is not the same as telling people you can’t come here.

You cannot have a wide open border and let every person simply move here any time they want an become a citizen. I have no problem with immigrants coming to the US through LEGAL CHANNELS. What we have to stop is this system where we reward people who came here illegally, and it shouldn’t matter if you been here 1 minute or 5 years.

once again, the only way to fix the problem is on the business side. I’m surprised that republicans don’t get that since they clearly sweat the supply side for things like huge corporate tax cuts.

If you force the businesses to pay illegals the same wages and benefits as citizens and put stiff penalties on those who dont, then all incentive businesses have to hire them is immediately eliminated. Opening up jobs for said LEGAL immigrants and american citizens. No one is going to pay illegals over people with papers by choice. No more jobs for them = they stop coming

Did I read that right? Force businesses to pay illegals more? :bloated:

How about this… Force businesses NOT TO HIRE THEM. And when they do make the business responsible for hiring them pay huge fines. It isn’t that hard to do a basic background check. Businesses hire illegals becaues they know if they get caught the worst they’re going to get is a small fine, and more than likely they’ll just get a slap on the wrist by saying, “we didn’t know they weren’t citizens”.

But there will always be cash jobs no matter how much you try to crack down on businesses. There has to be a border crackdown as well.

i didnt mean as if turning away newcomers, i totally agree with your side tho JayS, our countries gonna have its hands full with this issue tho i think

It’s not even the fact that they are immigrants, because most of our families at one point we’re considered the same. It’s not the fact they are illegal because at least they are working. There are just as many freeloaders that are citizens as there are non. The part that bothers me the most is where illegals come here, work under the table avoiding taxes and then send money back to another country to support an economy other than the US. I don’t understand why anyone has anything against immigration, I just think we should enforce what must be done to stay here.


NY is just going to give illegal aliens drivers licenses.

Here’s an idea. When they go to get the license, arrest and deport them.

wow. this is bad…seriously. :cry:

it’s not so much the problem of illegal immigrants versus legal immigrants… it’s the problem of newcomers who are lazy and want (and think they deserve) everything handed to them - and also citizens who are lazy and want (and think they deserve) everything handed to them.

how this country can continue to support and assist ungrateful drains on society baffles me. it’s people perfectly capable of working - and contributing SOMETHING - they’re just lazy and take the free handouts. if that shit would stop… maybe this would be a better place to live in general.

i do like the comparison in the original post though. although it’s not right on, it does relay the message that the more you give, the more that people are going to continue to take.

Wolf packs in nature will force out or even kill weak or sick members of the pack as a method of preserving the strength of and ensuring the survival of the pack.

Just sayin.

Just read the article. They had better fucking use the address on their license to send tax bills.

Y’know, I was really getting to like Spitzer. :ugh:

We will not become part of what is propagated on the federal level that if we don’t admit they are here then we can somehow not provide services.
Sweet, I get to pay for more free services.

On the bright side, 1/2 the cabbies in NYC may actually get legit licenses. lol