bird removal? pest control?

i need a little help. ive got this family of birds living in the overhang on my garage. they are shitting on my wifes car and all over the ground there. im fed up with it. a case of beer is in it for whoever can come here and remove the birds and patch up the hole they made…

i live in butler. a 24 pack of whatever you want will be waiting.

you dont own a bb gun?

unfortunatly… i live on a very busy road. and im not trying to be caught out there with a BB gun shooting birds. if i lived in the woods… they wouldve been long gone. i need someone to do it legitimately… remove them… put them in a cage… or just flush them and thier babies out. and board up the hole.

i’d use a shop vac haha

yeah i had the same issue and bb gun keeps them away now.

Patch the hole problem solved

get a cat…

Yeah get one of those flying Cats

Put out a bowl of rice for the birds to eat.

Bird eats rice.
Bird drinks water and the rice swells up.
Bird can’t digest the rice. (for whatever reason, I dunno.)
Bird dies.

It works. I’ve done it before. I lived in downtown Butler and within a week of setting out the rice, I found 5 dead birds in my yard and a couple in my neighbors yard.

what I wanna know is why cant you just buy yourself a case of beer, drink a few, suck it up and go up and remove them yourself?

Maybe I’m a crazy animal lover, but I don’t like the idea of killing the birds. You can try calling the Animal Rescue League Wildlife Center at 412-793-6900 or e-mail them at

12 gauges do wonders. do it a like 2 am when theres no traffic?


i hear they will not come around even if you get a rubber snake and put it near the hole they enter. thats the rumor

My friend put the lids for office document boxes underneath the area where the nest are and where they perch. Keeps the shit off the ground and cars without killing the birds. Wait till they are out in a few months then plug the hole up.

When this happens I usually just wait till the birds have their eyes on me then pull my cock out and shake it around. They then become insanely jealous/intimidated and leave immediately.