There's a bird in my garage and I really need some help.

Its squawking (like most birds do), flying all over, and knocking shit around.

Not to mention its shitting here and there, and its favorite landing spot is on my dad’s car cover, which at the moment…happens to be on his vette.

I’m scared shitless. I don’t have any ideas to get it out. It just flies away from me, and never towards the garage door…


just leave open the garage door, it’s eventually going to fly out.

unless you want to take it down with a shovel. but that would be mean.


it MIGHT be gone…i went around with a camera, and a towel and tried to lure it out.

Do you have a cat?

hahahaa…beck is scared of a bird.

no but i have a dog whos afraid of them.

im pretty sure hes out now.

shut up.

atleast im not scared of girls.

and uh, it looked like this

hahahaha…shut up girl. Go get attacked by the little bird.

HAHAHAH Only you adam.

My grandma got a bird stuck in her basement once. We just shot(and killed) it with a bb gun and threw it in the field next door. Problem solved.

adam’s not gonna be able to sleep for days. He is gonna had bad bird dreams about the bird attacking him. CAuse beck can’t defend himself against a little bird :stuck_out_tongue:

hey best friend…i’m with you on this one…I hate birds more than just about anything so i’d ask for help too :wink: good luck!!

i’m not helping you because you are not nice anymore.

HA!!! Try getting a bat out of your house at 3 a.m. That was an adventure 4 years ago while still living at the parents house. It was quite a challenge not to wake them up through the chaos, but I somehow achieved it.

And in the future, most birds have enough intelligence that if you opened a door or window, they would eventually find their way out.

PM turbociv

He killed the bird that shit on his grill

I have a BB gun you can borrow…

i was gonna say PM goober but apparently he doesnt like you .

Last night crows were pecking at my garbage,I ran outside screaming “die motherfuckers” waving my arms all around and they didnt come back.

I’m not gonna lie, i wouldn’t come back either.

that’s kinda scary.

Ugggh… birds… lol at Jon