There's a bird in my garage and I really need some help.

I’ve actually had the same problem except it was 1:00 a.m. and that bat was a pain in the ass to get rid of!

maybe it was really flight 93 :snky:


or just leave the door open, it will figure it ou

Smoke it out. It will fly away or pass out.

Just don’t burn it down. :slight_smile:

tennis raquet. i killed a bat with one once. dooooo it beck. dont be a pussy.

rubber band + aerosol can (preferably something that smells, but goes away in a few minutes, like hairspray) + closed garage door = WIN

Make sure it’s a big full can. Stretch the rubberband over the nozzle so that it’s constantly spraying. Leave the can spraying in the closed garage so that it pretty much fills up with the nasty smell. (you should probably get out first…) The bird will either pass out, die, or jet out the door once you open it. This process should take about 20 minutes.

I tried it with a rat at my grandma’s garage…it worked, but I have no idea if it will work on a bird.

Inb4someoneblowsthemselvesup :tup:

lol got a visual of john candy and dan akroid killing the bat in the great outdoors :lol:

As of 9:00am this morning…

I receieved conformation, that he is, living, inside our garage.

Did you name him?

Birds like wheat thins.