honestly...wtf? v. Bird will not stop flying into window »» PROBLEM SOLVED!

it’s been going on for 3 days now…this Robin will not stop flying into my back porch window. On friday, for about 6hrs…it just kept flying into the window every 30s.

All day today… same thing. It was REALLY funny at first…now it’s just annoying and it’s shitting all over the porch.

wtf. I want to shoot it, but it flys away when i open the door and i don’t want to leave the door open just to fly in and shit all over the house.

somebody want to photoshop me doing it’s mother? then i’ll tape it to the window.

same thing happens at my dads house lol, like 4 am in the morning this stupid ass bird will just keep flying and hitting their front overlook thing

i had a bird fly into a customers house that we were doing, it hid underneath furniture that had tarps over it in another room for like 30minutes, it was pretty hilarious lol, the homeowner was freaking out and screaming the whole time, “OMG I HATE BIRDS OMG!!” (female), then he just flew out lool

video tape it and post it here so we too can enjoy its presence

We have a cardinal at my mothers house who comes back every spring. and spends day and night flying into the window. this has been for 4 years…

We’ve done everything to stop it… I don’t know what to say. you learn to tone it out

are you drinking again

Usually if you put up curtais it will end, even if they are up there temporarily

Get a cat.

We used to have birds that flew into our bay window in Boston. It was funny to see the imprint of a sprawled out bird after it had been raining. lol

Curtains solved the problem FWIW.

U can borrow my dog. He actually cought and mangled a few robyn’s that had nested in my back patio. They would show up every year ever since we bought our house. Havent seen them yet this year.

They fly into the window cause they think they can get through.

Put up curtains or something and it wont be an issue.

lol @ robyns… I’m picturing a dog eating a fat chick.

this one bird did that at our house for over a year. He really fucked the window up too.

We used to have suicide bombers all the time, they mostly died though. Your bird must be a whimp if he can keep doing this. Tell him to get up some speed…

yikes, sounds like a bad omen. No birds flying into my windows.

doesn’t matter… our cardinal that runs into the window doesn’t care whats there.

I think it see’s its shadow.

BTW we had a hawk run into the window lol sounded like someone headbutted the window lol

Put a tape X on the window for a couple days. Hopefully the bird learns he can’t fly through and then you can take the tape off.

Yeah, it either sees it’s reflection and is trying to fight it, or sees something inside that it wants to make a nest with.

Happens at my dad’s too.

put a clear adhesive on the window so when the bird hits, it sticks
