Bit of an issue with dual cam KA

all ka were not obd1. 95 on were obd2. none of this is relevant if he is using s13 intake, ecu, igniter ect to behave like an obd 1 car, and i beleive this is what he is doing.

it sounds like an electical problem, check all the wiring. its probably somthing simple. g/l


Did YOU switch it to the S13 Distributor? I’d double check that it’s indexed properly and the firing order. It wouldn’t be the first time this has been overlooked.

ya firing order gets fucked up by mistake alot…I know i have done it.

IF you switched the dizzy did you make sure of correct timing?

I have my money on timing.

^^^ Exactly, hand crank the motor to tdc on compression stroke
then put the dissy in and align it to spark on #1 cyl,
Then stock s13 dohc timing is 20deg.(last notch on crank pully)
if that doesnt work, dunno

By this you mean the chassis harness right? Sohc engine harness would not connect to a dohc.

Your problem is a ground!!! look on the back corner of the engine on the exhaust side. there should be 2 grounds there one that goes to the fire wall(not to important) and one that goes to the engine harness. If this is not grounded injectors will not fire.

your wrong! i have a 95 and its obd1… its from 96 and up is OBD2…

i would let you know from 95 on they have internal coil… cause by your pic yours is external

well… its alright. thanks for all the advice and what not, but… this is taking up 2 much of my time. I’d rather just swap in a better condition KA, and clean up my engine bay while in the proccess. But, i have a feeling that its something that has to with the wiring/ harness. =S

dont be a wuss, get it running!

what have you checked since you last worked on it?

lol, everything fuel related was checked. also, there is enough spark to start the engine and what not. Like i previously stated, it is most likely the harness that is throwing everything off. I really dont want to have to change something like that, then have it still not running, then have to change this and that, next thing you know im putting in an s14 tranny, and all this shit, and it still wont run. That is how i came to my current conclusion, i might aswell just swap in an S13 spec. KA, rather then go through all of this trouble. Makes things faster, cleaner and less of a hassel.

Did you check the ground the guys refered to? when i swaped my sohc for a new sohc i left two grounds off and the car wouldnt fire. i bet its an engine ground somewhere

Check the fuse block near the battery, there is a large 75A fuse in there that was the cause of the no start that I was working on. Loosen the distributor a bit and get someone to crank it while you slowly move it back and forth in the adjustment groove if it is out of time you shold be able to at least get it to idle(it will idle really bad).

really sounds like ignition timing to me, maybe i am blind but i didn’t read anywhere in the thread that you double checked it. KA distributors can be tricky to put in correctly if you haven’t done it a few times before.

Mine distributor was off one tooth when we put it back together and it wouldn’t start at all.

yea, the grounds where checked, everything in place. im just going to tow it over to a shop and have it looked at. most likely tomorrow. Ill keep you posted.

I know its a bit late, but did you check that your firing order is correct? I remember my buddy had his car laying up for weeks because he messed that up and couldn’t figure it out. It had the same symptoms, cranking over but wouldn’t start, even sounded like it would have started every single time, but was just the firing order messed up. Anyways, just a thought, give it a double check before you spend any cash getting it fixed.