My KA24E (5-speed) has been acting up. A few days ago it took about four minutes to finally start. It did this about a month ago but then was fine afterwards. Now it won’t start at all. I’ve got power to the injectors, power from the coil, the plugs seem in good shape, the fuel pump seems to be working.
Its been hesitating slightly once and a while but that never seemed to matter.
It’s basically stock except for an aftermarket coil, intake, and no EGR system (passed e-test no problem – Sept 2007.)
Any idea? It has left this poor student taking the bus and bumming rides from friends.
that reminds me, on my old 240 i had the same problem, and it turned out to be the fuel filter. Check that out, new fuel filter is 20 bucks so it wouldn’t hurt to change.
It was running yesterday, so it really hasn’t being sitting. The batt is good and strong (new in the spring - Optima red top). I just picked up a fuel filter (it’s cheaper and easier than a FPR) and I’ll try it tomorrow morning. Thanks, I’ll let you know.
To test the FPR just clamp the return line off with a pair of vise grips to check it quick. Would definitely try to locate a fuel pressure gauge, to make sure you are getting enough pressure.
I finally got a FPR (last one Nissan has in Canada, I’m told) and it worked. Thanks everybody. I’m enjoying passing the buses instead of riding in them.