KADE Wont Start!!

So i bought this car a lil bit ago and have slowly been workin on it when i have time. It has always started with no problems or anything. Put it out in my driveway when the weather was good, and it sat for a couple days. Go to turn it on and it turns over but isnt getting any spark. I could hear the fuel pump kick on and im in no mood to be walkin around the car trying to source out the problem if someone here could give me a couple spots to look first. Im really busy with work, working 13 hour days and i need to get this car going. Any help it appreciated

got spark from the coil? power to the coil?

Check to make sure it isn’t the fuel pump relay kicking in and not your actual fuel pump. I made this mistake many times years ago. Make sure your coil, wires, plugs are good. How old is fuel? It could be ecu. I just had a simular problem on my fully built ka. Came out fine and running. Went back in and would start for 5 seconds then die. Took ecu from my daily to start doing diagnostics and i decided first to turn the key and she fired up fine. Wierd things happen all of a sudden. Start diagnosing!! Process of elimination