Hey guys, I know everyone is just gonna tell me to “search” this topic. I did, and I found nothing productive. Anyways, I swapped an 1998 KA24DE into my hatch, started, everything ran perrrfect, minus the infamous timing chain rattle. I removed the top chain guide, to check the chain, and the lower hydraulic tensioners. Moved them around, made sure everything was tight. To check all this, I had removed the upper timing chain cover, with the dizzy in it (didnt remove the dizzy from the cover) Put it all back toghether and used gasket maker to seal it. Car wouldn’t start afterwards, so I spun the motor to TDC according to the cam sprocket marks, then lined up the dizzy to where it’s supposed to be. Still no start This is all a week before I get my G2 and get my car on the road
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Does the engine crank over at all? Or is it just turn the key and nothing happens?
is the starter turning it over martin? maybe well come by and see if we can help you with it this weekend
Yeah, the starter cranks and the engine does turn over, but it just seems like there’s no spark because it’s not firing.
check your grounds, that could do it for sure
Check small things too man, fuses, grounds, batttery
Everything’s grounded proper, just double checked. Fuel pump primes, spark plugs sparkin’, and getting compression. Im stumped
is your firing order correct, and are you sure you’re getting a strong spark …you could also try switching ecu’s, if you removed any emission sensors or anything make sure you blocked them properly
How do you mess up the firing order? lmao. It’s 1-3-4-2 as far as Im concerned, and the cylinder #1 is the closest to the front.
im the one trying to help you get your car running…i dont know how you screwed it up, just trying to help you out
Didn’t mean it like that bro… lol. Just saying what I did, connected the right wires to the right spots on the dizzy.
---------- Post added at 03:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------
Hmm, could it also be the ECU? I was banging pretty hard at some points to remove the sound deadening near it -___-
try a different one and see
is there anything coming out of the injectors ? maybe there blocked up or somthing