BitTorrent Alternatives?

I was just doing it for info to download from other places, i really don’t care to fserve yadda yadda yadda, oh yea… and to pwn some newbs!


A DC++ hub would be a million times easy for the average idiot user (most of nyspeed :slight_smile: )

but for using IRC, in the mean time… there are a few ways to download things…

  1. The install

download from one of the following mirrors
- mIRC: Download mIRC

Install program, I’m sure you are more than capable of this.


When you initially open it up click continue don’t register… fuck that guy. The settings will pop up. For connect fill in bullshit for full name, and email address. you don’t want anyone getting your info, its the internet after all :slight_smile: make sure you have a username and an alternative.

After you fill in the bullshit click “DCC” on the right side its personal preference, being that i’m using linux i have virtually no virus or other bullshit worries so i have mine set to Auto-get > resume. you can leave it to ask it would probably be a good idea until you figure things out.

Under “DCC” click options, again personal preference, i think i left mine as default.

Skip down to “DCC” > “Ignore” chane Method to : disable, and UNCHECK turn ignore back on in: ITs really fucking annoying so just turn it off.

those are the minimum settings you need to download shit. remember the defualt folder is C:\Program Files\mIRC\download

  1. Connecting to a Channel

you can do this multiple ways, if you know the channel and server you can just type /server <server name or IP> and /join <channel name>.

Obviously you don’t know of any fucking servers of channels since you don’t use IRC at all. To find some you can by using (annoying with popups i know, possible virus issue, make sure your firewall is on at the very least and don’t click random shit) use the search bar scream and swear at the annoying pop up when you click on the search box. type in something easy to get results and click search.

when you figure out that you have results (getting past the pop ups lol) you can either click:

[cmx]-x-00 5h13m 20/20 38.4 #3 5x 692M porn hollywood orgies cd1 jenna jameson brianna banks chasey lain taylor hayes vivid mpg

where it it say’s “#3” it will have a link to the IRC and it should open up the server and channel. Its obvious i searched for ‘porn’ cause there is always results. clicking the number is fucking worthless in firefox cause it saves nothing to the clipboard. It works in IE, but god bless you if you use IE for some of these sites.

Or just click the channel,

Network: 101-FREEDOM
Channel: #cinemax

this will be just above the search result, when you do this it will open up 101-freedom network (server) and #cinemax (channel)

you can also use about 45000 diffferent IRC search engines… and 1.3 million IRC clients

  1. At the channel i wanna fucking DOWNLOAD (insert angry german kid screaming)

Lets review the info we had before and define somethings for you

[cmx]-x-00 5h13m 20/20 38.4 #3 5x 692M porn hollywood orgies cd1 jenna jameson brianna banks chasey lain taylor hayes vivid mpg

[cmx]-x-00 is the bot name (NOT case sensitive)

5h13m is the wait time, it will take this long (estimate) for you to connect to this bot

20/20 is the queue, as you can see its full the first 20 is the users in queue (most likely idiots, i never wait for more than 15 min to connect to a bot) and the second is the max queue for the bot (a setting the administrator of the bot selects)

38.4 I’m cloudy on this one its either the average transfer rate of all users or the average transfer rate of a user.

#3 is the packet number

5x is the number of times this file has been downloaded from this bot since the last update on packetnews (generally a good indicator on your success of getting this pronz!!) 5x is really fucking low… don’t go for anything under 100 for older files and under 30x for brand new files… remember you are NOT going to be the first one to grab this file, when it gets to IRC, its already old news. so look for high get #'s

692M size of file… duh.

and the rest is the kazaa esque name for the pr0nz!

Ok now that shit is defined… when in the channel, call people fuck faces and random racial slurs, they are mostly douche bags and will retort asap, you’ll probably be banned from a few channels its kind of funny (change your ip if this happens, or if they are idiots change your user name)

moving on, when in a channel (THAT HAS THE FILE like the one above) you can do the following command/ script

/ctcp <bot name> xdcc send #?


/ctcp [cmx]-x-00 xdcc send #3 YAY!! then you get a message… or you don’t if you have autoget on and you click accept and yay!! the pronz downloads…

now remember they will spam the main chat with shit its pretty self explanitory there are other commands like @find and !list that work in the chat, but not all have them so it can get you banned cause come elite douche admins “don’t like them” fuck em… there are more channels…

um in the server window… you can do /list and it will display a shit load of channels lots fill niches (porn, games, ISO’s blah blah blah) jsut double click to connect to them, and wait for them to start spamming…

if you can figure out this decent info… i’ll be in efnet channel #nyspeed



lol uhhh… huh?

I’ll try it out :tup: I’ll shoot you a PM if my retarded ass can’t figure it out

Why use efnet too? You cant register nicks or anything.


I can throw one up. I have a P2 server sitting around that I can use. If anyone has a server to donate to it, it would be very easy to get one up and running. i would like to find something a little more powerful than a P2 on a decent connection so I can get some scripts running to keep it private and secure.

Also, any admin here who can help out and get a list of active user names who are posting, we will need to start linking them up.

Just PM me.


I have a P2 and I believe a P3 machine in storage that I’m not doing anything with that you can have if the mods approve it. All for large, LEGAL, files of course :wink: Will this be hosting files? How exactly does it work? I think the biggest drive is maybe 10-20Gb


I have a P2 and I believe a P3 machine in storage that I’m not doing anything with that you can have if the mods approve it. All for large, LEGAL, files of course :wink: Will this be hosting files? How exactly does it work? I think the biggest drive is maybe 10-20Gb


Great! I just need it setup for remote desktop ATM and it will be setup if we decide to do this.

DC servers run HUB software which contain all the connections and checks. When a user searches, it searches all the users and when someone downloads the connections are direct (hence direct connect protocol) so no transfers are done through the server. Also, the only people who will be allowed to connect are going to be NYSpeed users who are verified and locked to an IP so only people who are active on here will be able to connect. That is something that the admins on here will need to setup with us if they decide to allow it.

The hub server just handles all the user connections and allows a chatroom, all searches and downloads are done user to user. The drive doesnt matter. The software is about 30 megs total with scripts and everything.

lol ok, so whos cable connection is gunna be lucky enough to get hammered here. Good luck getting any type of good speeds with 15-20 people on a cable connection.

Now if your all nice, i can get ahold of my FTP site which is a oc3 and see if we can work something out. :slight_smile:

Ifyour going to do irc, better get a good client, not the shitty original one. Id recommend Peace and protection, especially those who are new to irc, at least it will protect you and the channel from being taken over.


Now if your all nice, i can get ahold of my FTP site which is a oc3 and see if we can work something out. :slight_smile:


shit… maybe have people donate for your bandwidth?

whatever the case, you guys work it out as it’s obvious you know alot more about it than most and let the rest know what we need to do to help out


Great! I just need it setup for remote desktop ATM and it will be setup if we decide to do this.

DC servers run HUB software which contain all the connections and checks. When a user searches, it searches all the users and when someone downloads the connections are direct (hence direct connect protocol) so no transfers are done through the server. Also, the only people who will be allowed to connect are going to be NYSpeed users who are verified and locked to an IP so only people who are active on here will be able to connect. That is something that the admins on here will need to setup with us if they decide to allow it.

The hub server just handles all the user connections and allows a chatroom, all searches and downloads are done user to user. The drive doesnt matter. The software is about 30 megs total with scripts and everything.


bandwith and computer cpu are main chat, and passive searching

active searching is between user’s clients.

locking to an IP would be a bad idea, lord only knows what half of the people’s IP’s would be here…


Now if your all nice, i can get ahold of my FTP site which is a oc3 and see if we can work something out. :slight_smile:


ftp dump would be a fun idea… i would contribute as well…


bandwith and computer cpu are main chat, and passive searching

active searching is between user’s clients.

locking to an IP would be a bad idea, lord only knows what half of the people’s IP’s would be here…


plus for DSL and such, isnt the IP always changing?

newgroups are amazing, but thats not a free alternative.


ftp dump would be a fun idea… i would contribute as well…


lol i only wish i had access to oc3, its a friend of mine, but its a dump.


newgroups are amazing, but thats not a free alternative.


thats true, but with NG’s you have no sharing and the speed is always fast as hell.


bandwith and computer cpu are main chat, and passive searching

active searching is between user’s clients.

locking to an IP would be a bad idea, lord only knows what half of the people’s IP’s would be here…


What would happen if someone got your IP on here…everyone sits behind NATed routers anyways…



What would happen if someone got your IP on here…everyone sits behind NATed routers anyways…


Most ISPs have around 6-14 day DHCP leases so IPs wont change that much, esp if someone is using a router then they technically will always be on. At home my ip has been the same for 6 months.

Worse case scenario is that someone on your ISP gets your ip and connects. I think the best way to combat this would be to setup a registered nick on the hub so only people with registered nick names and passwords can connect. This will allow anyone to connect from anywhere, as long as they use their NYSpeed username and a password they choose.

I say we setup a private p2p for nyspeeders.
Edit: Anyone familiar with ?


I say we setup a private p2p for nyspeeders.
Edit: Anyone familiar with ?


werd, lets do it

btw, seen your im this morning… hit me up later if you have time to give me a hand :headbang:


werd, lets do it

btw, seen your im this morning… hit me up later if you have time to give me a hand job :headbang:






Lol… nice… made me double check to see if he really said that…