Newsgroups: a safer/faster more reliable way to torrents

Alright I’m going to give this a shot one more time.

What is a newsgroup? Newsgroups have been around forever, they were almost like pre-historic message boards, the early version of what were doing here basically.

For more of an understanding:

Now newsgroups are not free to access. You can go to websites like and view files and search for things you want but you will have no way to download the files without a subscription to a service which allows access to the newsgroup server.

There are quite a few services out their which offer access to download these files. Some seem quite cheap, others seem a bit pricey they all offer different things. A cheaper provider might only allow a certain download speed or a certain number of connections to the server or even a maximum transfer per month.

You can search online for some of these but I will give you the one I use which from what i’ve seen has been around a while, offers the best prices for unlimited acess and unlimited download speed and also offer access to the most newsgroups.

I have the unlimited plan, they advertise it as $25 a month, to me its worth it the ammount of movies and other random shit I download it would take me weeks to get on torrents when it can only take me a day or two with newsgroups. I also got lucky and they had a promotion so I only pay $15 a month for the unlimited plan.

Once you have a service like Giganews you have to have a news reader in order to grab these files and download them. Theres a lot of them out there, most are not free and cost money, these ones are generaly very easy to use and have lots of support.

I dont pay for a news reader, I use a widely known free one called Alt.Binz which can be found at:

Once you have this program youll need to set it up to your Newsgroup service for an example I’ll use giganews as its my provider.

Up top you will click setup, this will open the setup menu for the program. Once you do this you will need to click “Servers” on the left hand side menu list.

Once you are there at the bottom you will see fields to enter in information mine is as Follows:

You can see max number of connections, this is the ammount of connections your provider will allow you, depending on your service you selected it can be anywheres from 5-50 connections, the more connections the faster the download will finish, also I belive you can download multiple files as well.

After you have Alt.Binz setup with your information your going to need to use a website or two to find the Programs/Movies/Games/Porn etc you want to download the “.NZB” file for. The .NZB file is what contains the informtation for the download and what the program will use to grab your files.

Heres a few websites I use: < Easiest one to use but goes down sometimes < PITA sometimes to distinguish little BS files such as the .NFO that comes with some from the acctualy files you want < More robust than the other two, pretty easy to use

I’ll be using binsearch for this as newzleech is currently down :lol

Once on I typed in what I was looking for, in this case inglorious bastards. As you can see in the red I have put a checkmark next to the file I want, once this is done click “Create NZB” up top.

This will make the .NZB file Alt.Binz needs to download your files. As you can I see I only selected one movie, say you were search for a tv series and it listed episodes 1-5… you can check those 5 episodes and it will put the informtaion into 1 single NZB file so you only have to download 1 large file with all of them in it rather than go back and forth 5 times.

After you download the NZB file simply go into Alt.Binz click the NZB button up top, find the NZB you downloaded and Alt.Binz will download away. :thumbup

Let me know if you have any other questions.

ugh. defeats the purpose to me if i have to pay monthly. There is reason my cheap ass doesn’t have a 360 yet too. LOL

Yes theres a downside to it, but I download so much shit its worth it to me…

IIRC if you look around theres a few providers offering unlimited for like 5-10 a month… IDK how good they are havent looked into it much more after i got giganews.

I was just thinking about newsgroups the other night so I really appreciate the explanation. But after reading your post all I can say is using Utorrent to d/l my movies is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier. (and totally illegal and gonna get my internet shut off…I know)

About 1/2 way through I just started zoning out and skimming the post. haha.

It’s quite simple and proably just as easy as torrents just the few people ive tried to get setup with it arent sure how to go about it at first, really its the same thing, search for NZB, import into program. The inital setup is where people get confused as some dont realize you need a service and account with someone such as giganews.

When I can grab a full blu ray movie in a few hours


shady is there a crack for online play for the pc version of Modern Warfare 2? the torrents i’ve found are fakes and i don’t wanna fuck up my steam shit.

Wayne, you play Counter-Strike on steam?

i tried… but those guys are fucking rediculous old school and fuck me up every time i try… last time i played it was on the tv too… i can put it on the lappy if you’re down!!!

I got a couple guys I play CS with. Just got another friend to pick it up. I want to get Team Fortress also, I keep hearing its awesome. I will most likely be rocking some CS tonight like 11 or so.

I’ll see if i can get that set up… which version of CS? the newest one right?

I am running Counter-Strike Source. r3devi7 is my id on steam. I am assuming yours is Wayne64SS? :lol

yea… what gave that away? lol

private torrents sites are just as safe as a newsgroup and they are free. newsgroups aren’t gonna keep you from ever getting caught either. and the more popular they become it just means they are going to start looking at them more. just how it happened with torrents, but newsgroups are nothing new, they are as old as the internet. on that note, i refuse to pay for my illegal downloads so i’ll stick with my torrent sites. and newsgroups get shit maybe an hour earlier then torrents…not a big deal imo.

I’m not saying its uber awesome and better than torrents. I agree with everything you just said.

Although I have seen things on newsgroups days before you see them on torrents.

I just like newsgroups because its a constant 2mbs here on my home connectin where as torrents tend to be hit or miss, a couple of the underground torrent sites I belong too tend to have fast seeders and I can hit 1-1.5mbs but never as stable as newsgroups.

Wayne you will be recieving a PM

so are you downloading off other people or a single file on a single server?

your title is saying they are better then torrents :rofl

i just refuse to pay for something i can go to jail for. seems idiotic. my private sites rarely if ever go down, always get blazing fast speeds and everything i want is on them as fast as its released. and even if newsgroups gets it 2 days sooner, thats not worth the money imo. and if you use public torrents sites on the regular, your an idiot.

I belong to about 3-4 private sites…

The all get good speeds as their are high quality seeders.

And in terms of speed and reliability, newsgroups are better than torrents… If you dont want to pay for anything torrents and IRC are the way to go.

I just find it worth it to pay for fast speeds on 40+gig files

how many files are u dling that are 40+gbs?

i am an idiot

So far… around ~30 full blu ray rips around 30-40gigs a piece…

So umm around a tearabyte give or take? thats in the past 2-3 months in blu ray movies alone… Then theres HD TV shows and movies I cant find a full BR Rip for

This is also not including programs, music, games and other misc shit.

I dunno to me its worth it but everyoen has their own opinion.