
So given the coincidence of me bumping my home internet from 3Mb to 20Mb, and a 10.95 a month lifetime special for newsdemon, I decided to take the uber nerd route and go with newsgroups.
I searched, but all of the stuff is old as hell.

What do you guys use to search for stuff, and what do you use to download it? I’ve had marginal success creating NZB’s with and downloading with AltBinz but I get a lot where the stuff never downloads, and a lot of bad RAR file pieces…

i havnt touched newsgroups in years…

I did manage to download an 8 gig xbox 360 game in an hour and a half. That made me decide i need to get this working correctly…

never heard of newsdemon, im on 358 day retention. I never have issues getting new shit and never incomplete rars. It might be your host.

There it is. This is the guy that showed me the ways of the newsgroup. You’ll need an invite code to sign up for newzbin so PM me your email and I’ll send you one. + ssl enabled connection + = happy downloader


newzbin eh…?

Can a brotha get an invite?

send me your email howie ill send one over.


Just so you guys are aware, is just a usenet indexing site. They don’t host anything, they just allow you an incredibly easy way to search the insane amount of data that is newgroups. It’s £2.40/8 weeks of access, or about $3.90 US. You can buy up to 32 weeks of access via CC.

If you’re still interested PM me your email address and I’ll send out the invites. Any no, I don’t get shit for anyone who signs up. :tdown:

usenetserver can cap my FIOS internet connection when I download every time. Use binsearch and make sure you download the PAR files and error check in Newsleecher as its downloading and its flawless.

To re-inforce what boxxa said, absolutely make sure you get the par files

for the mac users, I use Unison to download, and MacPar Deluxe to unpack my files. Just load the main .par file into MacPar and it will check for errors, recover if necessary, and unpack the rar.

I will warn you that every now and then, you WILL get files with invalid checksums, this is the time when you will be glad that you got the par files and checked everything :slight_smile:

binsearch is no where near as polished as newzbin but it’s free. Seemed to do a good job creating an nzb for all the files though.

For windows just get grabit for your news downloading. It will automatically repair the downloads using the pars and automatically extract the repaired files. Associate it with the nzb files, click "download nzb, and wait for it to do everything else. When it’s done you look in it’s extract folder for your files.

What’s the difference between using all this jibber jabber you guys are talking about, as compared to demonoid/utorrent? What exactly are you paying for?

huge difference

you are paying for access to the server from which you download

the speeds are blazing fast, and if you use SSL, you get encrypted traffic

Ya providers suck down postings of files to their own servers and you are paying for access to theirs so you dont download from other people and is 100% safe since the providers are actually hosting the files.

Also, I love downloading anything off Usenet at 3 MBps


I want to test this from work

So, do you have to torrent anything? or is it just having download access to their files from their server? Is it legal (since you are paying something), and if so are you able to download illegal stuff (pirated software)?

I apologize for such dumb questions

the downloaded files are not legal copies in most cases

like bittorrent, I am sure there are legal files out there to download, however most of the stuff that you will download is illegal

It’s still illegal