NZBMatrix is no more...

They got served with a massive takedown notice and rather than deal with removing everything and the follow ups decided to shutdown. This apparently happened to newzbin too.

Here are some alternatives for now

I am going to see how works but apparently there registration is closed right now.

Damn you internet police

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 AM ----------

Someone needs to build something like this over TOR for indexing similiar to silkroad for all your drug and illegal firearm needs

Noooo :frowning: So what is everyone using now???

Look at that link I gave, there are some alternatives but not a lot. It looks like it might keep getting harder and harder to do binary downloading on usenet.

Although you can technically download newznab source code and built your own in your house and keep on chugging along, but I am not sure on the resource requirements for newznab.

I had a feeling this would happen… more and more downloads were coming back incomplete lately

I really would like a Dognzb invite but looks like it won’t happen for a while

I am lucky enough to have a account so I will see how it performs, they at present are invite only but have no invite system setup, go figure.

Signed up at this morning since they were still open. Also looking for a dognzb invite. Wondering how long before sickbeard’s internal index gets taken down.

Damn that sucks. I just downloaded a whole bunch of stuff last night.

Gay. At least I got my $5 worth the last couple years.

Looks like I have my solution. Started my own indexing site using

Running it on a little core 2 ubuntu box I threw together.

No, I won’t be giving out accounts. It’s private and staying that way.

Hey, can I have an account?

This thing just indexes usenet?

I guess I could throw this up on a server and make NYSpeed accounts.

I can give you a hand setting it up if you want. If you want to do it yourself, big hint, don’t use Ubuntu 12.10 because newznab runs slow as balls on it. Runs much better on 12.04.

And sorry tpgsr, as I said my server is staying private.

Looks I’m going to have to set this up as well. Did you donate to get the plus version?

I wonder how big it would have to get before legal issues.

Yeah, I donated to get the plus version. The regular version is pretty useless without all the regex expressions. It might be possible to get the regex from somewhere else but for $16 I didn’t feel like fighting it anymore.

@ LZ… I think you’d be fine, DMCA wise, as long as you never made it public. If all they can see is the homepage they have no idea what you’re indexing. It’s when those assholes at The Morganelli Group ( ) sign up through open reg or beg an invite off some forum and they can start doing queries that the takedown notices start coming. I’m keeping mine private and open to just a few really close friends that i know IRL because

  1. I can trust them to NEVER give out the credentials
  2. This is my home bandwidth, and I don’t want to start lagging on XBL because a bunch of people are pounding my index site.

Look at Matrix… they never got in any legal trouble per-say because any time they got a takedown request they removed the item from the index. The problem was someone made it their job to submit takedown requests and they reached the point where they just couldn’t keep up.

I’m gonna set one up for myself as well. I only have a 1gb up link so no sharing with you greedy bastards. Already about half way there. Need to get my movie source back!

Ugh, this guy is going to waste right now.

JayS, help a brother out… I’ve got this baby installed but I am getting no data. I enabled some groups and ran the scripts. What am I missing here? There is nothing in my nzbfiles directory.

all permissions look ok and the script seems to run successfully

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 PM ----------

silly mistake … never entered my newznab ID into the settings page … sigh . then php was bombing out of memory … strange. Up an running now though.

I seem to be gettin a lot of junk releases, or cases where the regex fails and the titles are just jibberish… the jury is still out until I can see how well this can be fine tuned to populate the database.

There is a few php.ini tweaks required.