Biz Hosting Suggestions?

I searched and didn’t find anything too exciting, aside from my own thread from '08. Mike had suggested, still like them? Its going to be a small business site, so uptime/reliability are critical. I’d like exchange email and the ones I’ve used don’t have that as an option. I did see that Godaddy offers individual/group exchange email accounts, anyone have any experience with that?


I use(d) Godaddy for everything I do only about 20+ sites that I’ve done. On a few I’ve done email accounts but never set them up with an end client always just used their built-in web client.

I’ve used godaddy for domains for a while and like them as far as that goes.

I’ve come across Rackspace for cloud sever storage, may be a good choice to do both. Sherm, any reason you’d lean towards RS over GD or vice versa?

If you are looking for a shared hosting type server where you get simple shell/ftp access to upload to and cpanel/plesk like interfaces, then Dreamhost is still in my opinion the best there is.

If however you are looking to spin up your own instances then I’d say go for Amazon EC2 cloud stuff, or look at linode, but Amazon EC2 I think is better. I can get you in touch with the CEO for direct quotes.

Honestly, save the money and use Google Apps for all your email/exchange/docs/calendar/etc. For hosting, Rackspace is a good one and that we put our high end customers on for demanding hosting.