Black boxes being added to new cars?

Pro’s and con’s to this not sure how I personally feel about it. Wonder if they’ll find a way to start monitoring phone usage in the car.

It’s a good idea, but i’m not really a fan of big brother looking at what i do.

No it’s not a good idea. This thing can ONLY be used against you. That is the only purpose it serves.

eh, it’s kind of shitty…but maybe it will drive insurance rates down on cars equipped with them so they can check out the specifics related to accidents during investigation…but at the same time it may give them the ability to just deny coverage of accidents based on circumstantial black box information…hmmmm

Alternatively, it can only be used to help you if you’re on the receiving end of an accident.

This is only a matter of time. It will be a dark day when it happens. Picture speeding tickets and other violations arriving en mass to your smart phone.

Just another item to remove from the vehicle, Just like my onstar box.

Kind of ironic that “Progessive” insurance was the first to do this. (Or not ironic :))

---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

This should help the value of older cars that big brother cannot spy on. But then again once we have thousands of drone flying over us we really can’t hide anyway.

The technology they’ve been working on for cars to basically drive themselves will probably be mainstream by the time it reaches that… What kind of infrastructure would have to be put in place for all police departments to have the ability to monitor any/all blackboxes within their jurisdiction to even be able to issue tickets/violations that way?

Look at the bright side you wont be spending money on insurance once they control your every move. lol

Read this and then tell me that insurance having more information that serves no purpose but to help them deny claims is a good thing:

---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 PM ----------

I for one can’t wait for mandatory morning calisthenics. If we’re going to live in a police state we might as well get rid of the fatties.

---------- Post added at 12:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 PM ----------

If this doesn’t fly all they’ll have to do is slap a google logo on it and people will be rushing out to retrofit them to their older cars so they can sync something with their smartphones.

We’ll be the united states of google soon enough. We should have been wary when their corporate motto was “Don’t be evil.” That should go without say.

I used to think we would be the United States Of Walmart… maybe Google and Walmart will merge and we will be The United States Of GoogleMart.

lol please like they will ever let you pull black box data to fight a case.

Blackboxes are only relevant for accidents at this point.

I would worry about any open interface(wireless, bluetooth, cellular) that might appear on them at some point or similar communication abilities with the PCM its self.

No car should be able to go over 65mph anyways right?

Nothing some properly placed tin foil can’t fix :slight_smile:

Florida and some other states have 75mph highways, and I believe TX just changed one of theres to 85.

I know for sure that GM has been using this technology for the last 10-15 years. I’m sure more major manufacturers have been as well.

GM calls it an Supplemental Restraint System Module. The SRS module is used as an event data recorder in addition to controlling the air bag and other SRS systems. When you crash your car and a lawsuit or criminal charges are filed the data can and is used in court to provide facts about what happened at the time of the accident.

I think the only thing this article is saying is that now 100% of the cars sold in the US will be required to use this same form of technology, currently used by most major manufacturers, similar to what they mandated with tire pressure monitoring technology.

In cases of deaths or insurance fraud the data has been looked at to determine liability.

i know these have been around, but for them to mandate it where its not an “option” anymore and to use it to monitor us…this seems like invasion of privacy and illegal to me.

George Orwell’s book “1984” is here and getting stronger and stronger. Say goodbye to any sort of privacy you thought you had… smartphones, cars, computers, TV are just a way for the government to monitor us.