Black Boxes in cars.....mandatory??

Bunch of bullshit to me

snap… that sucks… well looks like i will stick to fords made before 2008. Wonder if you can remove the EDR’s? Pewter should know they are in plenty of camaros and ta’s

I like it. I will know how fast my kids are driving. :ugh2:

That like Microsoft coming out with their new super duper uncrackable software that can’t be pirated, and then 3 days later 300 million copies are on the internet for everyone to download. With everything computerized, it’s only a matter of time before the hackers get in and start messing with the black box.

free country my ass

You’re free to not buy one.

But it’s definitely something I do not want in any of my vehicles.

why they are saying its going to be mandatory by 2008… thats not to free in my eyes.

Its not a law yet… its proposed, I doubt this will make it to law, not in 08 at least, just my opnion.

Thats just a better reason to buy a AEM EMS or a Motec… look on the bright side :slight_smile:

By ‘one’ I meant a car. If you don’t like it, don’t buy the car.

But it was more of a half attempt at a joke. I think it’s ridiculous to put these things in every car. I’d feel like a prisoner with an ankle bracelet.

Did anyone notice the poll results on that page were 91% “against” and 9% “for” with over 31000 people voting?

Next they’ll want to add the immoblizer for alcohol content too. Hey, just take a blood sample and get the amphetamine and barbituate level while you’re at it?

Why not put a pregnancy tester on there and follicle stimulation hormone presence so you know when to use the backseat for humping?

:finger2: It’s un-American…

I can’t stand this sort of BS. I also think the public outcry against it will have little effect. Look at the stadiums in Pittsburgh…they were clearly voted down, but guess what, they’re built, and our crooked city government used plenty of tax dollars to do it.

I am thinking they might make it mandatory in cars, then make it part of inspection, so we can’t just remove them. I do have one idea though…if I’m in a wreck, I’m taking that SOB with me before I leave the scene.

Maybe the ACLU will get involved and do something worthwhile for once.

Probably they’ll just erect an electronic debiting system of some sort that ties directly into your checking account – since the paperwork could not keep up with the massive uptick in fines that would be generated.

now that is mother fucking bullshit

guess taking your car to the track is out of the question

all for our own good my ass, natural selection…survival of the fittest, those who are asshole drivers will still die, you can be killed and kill going the speed limit you know.

Looks like I’ll forever own a pre 2008 car.

Download a virus to it. Let them scan it during inspection, and upload it to the state.

doesnt the body control module or BCM do the same thing?

Haha, I like that.

fuck the government

wow. Crazy how you all get so mad when your OWN civil liberties are encroached upon.

Are you saying that you like this idea?

Theres no way it will pass, into law. You think those guys in congress want a black box in thier cars?

no. I’m saying that everyone barks are me for being paranoid/anti-government/anti-bush, because I get pissed when ANYONE’S liberties are fucked with. But when its them thats getting fucked, all of the sudden they seem to be quite up in arms.

that, or some poeple don’t have the skewed paranoid convolutions of conspiracy and government overtaking that you seem to apply to any/all situations… ?