Black Coated Wire Dog Crate

Looking to get rid of this ASAP measures 26" High x 22" Wide x 35" Long. Has removable plastic tray looking to get $50

I just upgraded for my puppy to this size, paid triple. Damn you lol

Haha sorry man!

Is this for a big or small dog? I need to upgrade mine for my blue nose

Sorry sold it today

Blue nose is a douche bag term for a Pit Bull, its like saying I have a black nose dalmatian. Please step away from your want to be gangster self and read up.


When people ask me what dogs I have I say blue nose pitbulls. Than again I always end it with pitbulls not just “blue nose”. Not defending anyone, in all my years of having pits I’ve never heard a statement like this lol

That’s because you’re from the streetz. :wink:

You know it ha

And you sound like a retard saying it…

I’ve been dealing with pitbulls my whole life and currently have 2 purple ribbon blue nose pitbulls, both from high end breeders and like I said earlier I have yet to hear a comment like yours. Yes a blue nose/red nose are not breed specific, however it does seperate the breed into color ranges. so are people with “yellow labs, black labs” ““retards”” also? I am also a volunteer with out of the pits and they use the same terms, they must be retards also… Don’t be so ignorant, ever think maybe you don’t know it all? I know I learn something new everyday. So yes the color isn’t a different breed, however a blue nose pitbull usually has bigger characteristics. Kind of like a black lab is good for hunting, but yellows aren’t (so I’ve heard from multiple hunters, might have the colors mixed up tho).

Lots of retards ITT

Gonna get good

wow all this over me asking about a cage for my dog lol

Sigh… No one associated with Out of the Pits uses blue nose or red nose, at least on the board of directors and/or those volunteers who are actually informed (you are not one of them). They use colors to describe them, just like a yellow lab, or a black lab. Please refer me to any quality site that uses such a term. You will only find places like Off Da Rip and other ghetto breeders use that term, ill even provide you a picture below.

Now you are also saying that a blue nose is also usually a “bigger” version of a Pit Bull. Actually Am Staffs and what is now called the American Bully are “bigger” versions of the Pit Bull, and reject breeders breed blue ones because they are popular/a fad with the retards who will actually pay $1500-$4000 for a dog. So you see more blue giant Pit Bulls is because of breeding, not because they are a certain color.

Please tell me where you got these purple ribbons from? Im pretty sure they sell them at Office Max, im going to stop on my way home to get my dogs a couple yellow ribbons, probably a blue for one of them, maybe red for the other. My Pit Bull also has a black nose, should I call him a black nose Pit Bull?

Only way to get a purple ribbon is by tackling their trainer… See below.

All I’m saying is I hear it all the time, doesn’t make the statement “retarded”. That’s what started this whole mess. You could’ve expressed it a little different, no reason to jump down people’s throats based off an opinion.

Also I would never deal with off da rip, they’ve been charged numerous times with dog fighting, which I am not a fan of. I did stop in there before.knowing so to look at puppies. As scum as they may be, the dogs look awesome. Regardless they’d never get my business.

For size comment, in my experience with them, a blue pitbull seems to be more stocky/bigger, I’m sure it is apart of cross breeding as you stated, afterall a pitbull is basically a mut right?. Especially since not all of them have the same characteristics. For example my female is 2.5yrs old and 55lbs. Where my male is 11mos old and 102lbs.

As for purple ribbon, it is associated with UKC paperwork. Both my dogs are purple ribbon, just means their bloodlines are the most pure apparently. It is not an actual ribbon. Yes I’m one of those idiots who paid for dogs. 2500 for my male and 1200 for my female, it’s my money and I wanted a semi-guarantee on how theyd turn out/a well known background. My previous pits were rescues and had a ton of issues, so we decided to try something else.

holy fuck @ 2500 for a blue nose… i thought people couldn’t GIVE those things away.

seems like every time theres pet adoptions in the Gazette its pitbulls and cats.