Damn this game looks too much fun!
fully destructable enviorment and looks so lifelike

looks ok

looks tight

I’ll be there release day.


i’ll be renting it to see how it is… if its good i’ll more then likely be using it to play online

Umm, there is no online. Maybe you should read up on it first. I bought it, its tight.


lol i found that out, i rented it, im playing it now… its not as good as i expected… its decent tho

dude, im taking ur word for it, im getting it for xbox, if it sucks, i kinda know where u live!

I think its sweet. I’ve only been playing it on the hardest setting and its giving me a little bit of trouble. But I hate beating games on the easy/mid setting because you never want to go back through it. Its amazing all the shit that you can f*ck around with when you shoot it. A little hint, when the crosshair turns “BLACK” shoot that object, its awesome.


fucking A sounds sweet, im going to get it today when the mall opens

ya figured that out

i might rent it…but i think i’m going to pick up 24 …it looks decent.

If anyone rents/owns it for xbox would let me borrow it for 20 minutes I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

whooo game fucking rocks, got it for xbox

s10 blazed, wanna borrow it?

Im stuck on a f’n level. Can’t beat it for shit… Game rocks though.


what level??? i just tore up the level where u had to blow up the gun making factory…using the rpg on the huge tankers is awsome

im on the level after the bridge level, its getting HARD

I just look’d on IGN to see how many levels, turns out its the LAST level of the game. I made it to the very last room facing the last batch of bad dudes, can’t beat em on HARD difficulty as of yet. I ended up turning the PS2 off before I went to work, now I gotta start from the beg. of the map.


i think im there, theres a large room with 2 bunkers? its hard as shit!

I just beat the game on hard. Unlocked silver weapons and black ops mode. ITS SWEET! On the first level you start off with a bad ass gun with a 203 on it, + infinite ammo! Time to blow everything the fuck up.
