Black mob jumps and strips drunk white dude....

If race had nothing to do with it why was the only white guy attacked. The odds r slim.

Well first off, I never said race had nothing to do with it, but I understand what you’re getting at. It just looks to me more of a crime of opportunity than one out of hate. The guy was an easy target and they were obviously a bunch of scumbags.

Do you think they wouldn’t have attacked the man if he was asian? black? I really don’t know, just my opinion that it likely would have a similar ending no matter the race. I guess I feel that his intoxication, $$ watch and them knowing that he wasn’t from the area were enough to do him in.

asian yes, black, no. lol

****** being ******.



Being the mixed kid growing up in a black area I can say that is true…:Idiots
I had my ass kicked more time than I could count for being different.

That’s what you get for having a yamaha.

See if I ever push start your bike in the ghetto again!:lol

hit his kill switch and ride away spiritedly.

:rofl :rofl Fixing that shit this week!

Laughed soooo hard at this.


Sweet the weekend is looking good, unless your like farming from dawn till dusk.:rofl