Black Ops

I dont think consoles are lame, i just think an FPS on them is sacrilegious, I do enjoy playing racing/arcade type games on them though.

As Jdaniels said, GFX cards/other shit doesnt need to be purchased as frequently as you think…

there are “way more hacks” on PC’s but that does not mean your going to run into hackers/cheaters whenever you play. Since black ops came out, I’ve sen maybe 3?.. bad company 2, i never see any

If your coming from a PC, to a console… I can see why you would say that… getting used to thumbsticks is a bit of a challenge, but i still used to rape peoples faces in HALO back in the day… I have not played a single console FPS that has not had some sort of assist, even if it was ever so slight…

and agreed