Black Ops

UGHHHH ive been feigning to play but no internet yet at the new apartment

Oh noes!!! :ohnoes

Got that love letter last night :rofl


Lord Fred!


Let me just say I was pissing a lot of people off last night.

Was that in a TDM?

Better - sticks and stones.



That’s average of me setting others back on average 4 times each in that game.

I think two quit right before the end.

Nuketown ftw.

lol Vlad had 19 tomawks in about 3 minutes lol

I am tired of these degenerate ni99a’s swearing and talking all kinds of shit in Free for All, I had to face-fuck the everloving christ out of this one ni99a the other night until he quit. He just kept repeating his ape-style banter and when he’d lose he’d say “I still consida mysel’ da winna cuz iminda top three ni99a” Nice. I capped 3 games in a row, then he quit. It was a good night. I like bagels.

I turn off chat on my Turtle Beach cus i can’t stand all the banter. ***** this ***** that.

Black people are more racist than white.

I usually turn my mic on but turn the volume all the way down on my ps3 headset. Last thing i wanna hear is some asshole whinning on my surround sound. :lol

Anyone else that uses the FN FAL or any other semi-auto assault rifle notice the gun jamming that happens? Super gay, fuckin rapid-fire controller modders caused that “feature”.

^ Ask Cossey. His gun of choice is the FAL (FA FAIL)

Easily the strongest assault rifle in the game, the problem is the fuckin’ jamming so I end up using the Commando instead.

Maybe on the PS3, but I haven’t noticed anything bad with that or the M14. I decimate with them. Went 31-2 last night with the M14, and followed it with 15-3 with the FAL.

Should be on tonight for a little bit.

It’s a built in “feature” on all platforms including PC, I have a hyper trigger finger and it jams at least 2-3 times per match. Just annoying is all… I know why they did it, but it sucks. Google search confirms that I was right and it does exist, yet my cousin lives with me and uses the FN FAL exclusively and said he never had it happened to him. It’s gotta be a certain play style/trigger speed that sets it off.

I have it for 360 and PS3, happens (to me) on both BTW.