Black Ops

eat it

very true

All I want to know, is “shooting from the hip” effective at all in this one?

picked up my copy tonight. only played online thus far, no campaign. loving the gameplay in comparison to world at war. weapons are great. impressed thusfar with my limited gameplay (~45 mins)

It as effective as shooting from the him should be. Works in fast reaction close quarters run in but your not shooting across the level at the hip that would be fucking annoying. If u cant aim then you suck.

The games biggest issue is spawning and game match-ups. spawns to close to enemies way to often. Game matching needs help if you on a shit team and keep getting annilated the system doesnt break up teams to even them out on past matches stats

this is my biggest issue with the online shit. I’m nowhere near superb at this game, but when I get stuck on a team that can’t get out of their own way let alone make half of the required match points I get frustrated.

MW2 definitely had a one-up in that area.

unfortunately little shit like that happens when it goes back and forth between game deveopers… MW1 and 2 were done by IW and WAW and BO was done by tyreach

Yes, close range. If you ads close range, you’re dead. If its close range multiple people you better spray. Close range try not to knife. Only knife in the back if you can. Knifing on black ops is nothing like knifing in mw2.

I think half of my headshots are from lucky hipshots lol.
I’m the man at headshots though. They’re more than 10% of all my kills.



they did that bullshit with a few titles across platforms…

no good !

had an EPIC wager match last night. If you are my friend on 360 watch the clip i made of the last kill with the ballistic knife.

xbox live gamertag was changed… add me, ill be black ops all night iTzjohnnycakes

ill add you when i get home yo!

mine is Sketchmasterfle


tried to add and it says gamertag not valid…

Heres my tag Smith8891

Played at Jvgs the other night

not used to controls on PS3 as I’m an xbox fanboi

still put JVG and Boxersix to shame :rofl

the mode where the gun switches after every kill is a blast

oh well

back to mw2 I go


yeah gun game and sticks and stones are my fave in this game to bad No Xp from playing it.

Come over again and we can own more people

If I recall correctly, there was a certain match where JVG and I demolished you back to last place. Others matches yes you were a freight train.

That’s alright Vlad, it made every time I stabbed you in the face and sent you back a step just that much more gratifying :rofl

Let do it again.