black top vs red top

just want to know what the major differences are…i plan on buyin a motor in the next couple days and what to know what my better choice is

red top, red is associated with speed.

but why…im new to the whole nissan thing…there has to be some difference

black top 25 more horses and its newer plus more $

Mark, why do you keep relaying bad information. We all know that pink is the fastest top out of all the tops out there. As well a second option is gold.

Whatever you do though, do NOT get a Blacktop.

The “Notch Top” black top has VVT on the intake stroke, if I am correct, and the S15 black top has a slightly upgraded T28 turbo, and thus the extra 45 hp(205 crank horsepower for the red top vs. 250 crank horsepower for the S15 blacktop.)

Here is one of the only sites i’ve seen where the backtop is CHEAPER than the redtop