Blackberry pearl + exchange setup?

Anyone have a site on how to set this up?

I tryed going through the config steps to have it connect to the webmail interface but it keeps saying can’t connect to to site.

Apparently I have to download some mail connector program now.

Do you not have a BES?


But I guess I guess it free for one user…so im waiting for the BESe to get emailed to me.

In the mean time I guess I should use this desktop redirector?

Yeah, that’s your best bet.

It fooking sucks tho.

You should be able to get a BES express license within a couple hours.

I’m on the phone with T.Support right now UGHHHHH 3 hour wait time, our DST patches aren’t working.

good fucking luck with the Pearl…that is my newest enemy. I cannot get 2 out of 4 phones hooked on our BES

What DST patch are you applying?

I can’t get it to connect to OWA it should be able to hmmmm

any had this probblem before?

Anyone know if this is gonna fuck my exchange server up if I put it on the same box.

Dunno, we have a seperate server for BES

LOL fuck the old IT guy cheated…

Has them using aol email accounts since there are 2-3 blackberry users

LOL omg that is horrible.

please tell me thats a temp fix…until you get it working?

Uh, 2007 DST patch, it goes in effect march 11th… I suggest you get going on that lol.

You also need to update exchange system manager on the BES box.

What version of BES are you using?

Uh, how are you trying to activate it?

PS. what version of BES are you running?

You are trying to get to OWA via which browser?l Blackberry browser?

It won’t, but I would NOT have it on your exchange box. You don’t need much of a box, any ole computer would do. At least 1GB tho.

LOL I already have all my DST patches, just curious which DST patch where you calling Microsoft about OS,EXCHANGE,BES

Our version of BES is 4.1

The pearls are activated on the server and can recieve mail, however there is no Send option when trying to send a e-mail

how do you do the activation? Wirelessly?

word, we just ran ours this weekend, of course the exchange one was bullshit and did not work.

It is not even a serverside tool, it was using some sort of freeware BS that required taking ownership of each mailbox individually :cjerk:

all the server 03 and xp patches were no issues though

do you pay for black berry internet service? If so set it up through there. Dealing w/ BES for 1 phone is kinda meh

when you’re setting it up online make sure you’re using DOMAIN\username for the username, etc…

do not use mail connector…it’s a hack pos

oh make sure to try 5-10 times…sometimes it doesn’t like connecting, sometimes it does…once it sets itself up though it works like a charm