Blackberry help

I have a customer looking to sync calander with his office PC

story goes like this:

lawyer needs to update his calander and have his secretary see it on her computer

lawyer needs to see it when his sec. updates calander.

email usage isnt big right now but will prolly follow suit once they have the device set up.

he is convinced right now he wants a treo/windows, im trying to sway him to BB

ideas? any experience? can you do this with a blackberry?

edit: looking at 7130 or 8703

active sync ftw

really hoping for a blackberry solution, this guy is f’ing huge and im worried he will eat/squish a treo

Single blackberry user?

You can get BES express, hook it up to his exchange server (if he has one) and pow, everything comes on over.

Desktop redirectors work. (activesync not gonna work if he doesn’t have exchange either lol)


how big is the lawfirm?

small. 2 lawyers, and they are only concerned about one of them.

i doubt they have an exchange server

desktop redirector then.