Buyers remorse - blackberry.. help

So, I turned in my trusty windows mobile device for a nice shiny blackberry.

I really miss the ability to sync in real time my calendar. my company doesn’t have a BES. any ideas to make this better?

set up another box that runs my email with some type of sync software that keeps both in check?

help :slight_smile:

To download BlackBerry Professional Software Express, simply check that you meet the following requirements, then enter your BlackBerry smartphone PIN in the field below.

  1. Your email solution is Microsoft® Exchange or IBM® Lotus® Domino®
    2. You have Administrator capabilities for your email server

Which most people don’t have…

is it free?

Its free for a few users…I forget how many CALs it comes with.

Haven’t tried it but if you use google calender sync you should be able to sync your outlook and google calendar then your google and blackberry ones.

its a free, full verison of BlackBerry Professional Software, and comes with 1 CAL

So now all you have to do is get your exchange admin to setup a blackberry server :slight_smile:

as in a BES

working on it. there are only a few people here with blackberries.

The BPS integrates with your existing exchange server, no need for another box.

can handle up to 30 users, and is easily upgradable after that.

you can also try setting it up with the BIS website. Below is VZW’s

which brings me to another point. In order to use that CAL/BPS you need the corporate connectivity data feature

shit. really? that sucks… there goes another $15/mo


yeah, our Blackberry Admins here just informed/confirmed me of this :confused:

Weird my windows mobile phone just has a data plan and syncs with exchange just fine…

shut it. blackberry is so much easier to use. working on getting admins to comply.

ill just end up setting up the desktop redirector on a server… problem solved, i don’t even care about having my calendar just email really

and the encryption seems better too. but that is above my level of nerd.