Blackwater employees in trouble...

Uh-oh. This ain’t good.

A fascinating read no matter which side of the use of Mercenaries by the USA you stand on.

As far as the weapons sales? Sad but not surprising.

I trained there acouple of times…

hmm… my x bf works for black water…
hes in Afganistan rite now…

oh well wut a coincidence

oh wow

To me this would be a job that i would not pass up…

…reply from Blackwater leadership enclosed.

Then you understand the importance of the two posts I’ve made. You remember the first order of business as a Blackwater trainee…protect the objective…and "The kind of person that if an emergency appendectomy had to be done, you could hand them a book, come back an hour later, and the surgery would be over.”

I read an article that the state department hates the military and are a bunch of cowards (helping cause fire fights that did not need to happen), so that is why the blackwater are their escorts.