
It seems for the last 3 days, anytime I shit and wipe, it bleeds out my asshole…so much that in the toilet looks like I have my period.

E coli?


…That tree is far away…

goto a doctor

<insert gay joke>

internal hemmroid.

ulcers cause ass bleeding I think


Some things you probably just shouldn’t post on a public message board. Also, seeking medical advice on an auto club forum = WTF???

Go see a doc.

I have soo much to say on this but to sum it up if you have diarrhea and this is happening go to the ER.

If no diarrhea get some better toilet paper, stop sitting on the shitter for an hour at a time and eat a sfter diet for a week to give your colon a chance to relax


internal hemmroid.


Bingo. Its probably a hemorrhoid either outside by the trap or inside.

Drain the oil once or twice and make sure the coolant isn’t low, then you should be fine.

:word: Did it occur to you that a car forum might not be the best place for this sort of thing?

We over use the :picard:, then a thread comes up that truely deserves it and it’s no where to be found.


Drain the oil once or twice and make sure the coolant isn’t low, then you should be fine.



well in for updates at least.

You have colon cancer. You have about a month.

I’m dead serious (pun intended).

I am scared to take another poop. Im wondering if I am wiping too hard.

Are you using 40 grit for toilet paper?


all i have, is wow.

enough to make the toilet look like you have your period.


you need some medical attention.
that’s not normal.
a little blood is normal if you have a hemmroid, but not that much.

do you drink a lot?

this thread is gonna keep me entertained alllllllll through work today, i can see it now.