"Blu-ray DVD drive no bonus for some PS3 buyers"


Microsoft’s idea to have the HD-DVD player be an add-on was much better than including it by default.

I think Sony is still pissed about losing Betamax and forced BluRay into the PS3 to try to prevent it from happening again.

But, how many PS3 games are expected to actually use the extra space provided by the larger capacity bluray disk?

It certainly didn’t make me want to buy it.

By the time a clear winner is defined I will either already have the more expensive Bluray player or I will be able to purchase the less expensive HD player after the initial high prices have gone down.

The real reason the entertainment industry is pushing these new formats is twofold:

  1. To make you re-buy the same movies AGAIN
  2. because DVD’s copy protection scheme had been cracked early on

I agree, i’m not going to buy a blu ray or hd player until the prices come way down to apex levels (49 dollar player at walmart)

Personally I don’t give a shit if i can watch a movie in hdtv at my house.

DVD quality is just fine for me.

And yes I do own a hdtv.

HD-DVD is backward compatible.

I do agree with you on #2 however.

hd-dvd copy protection will be cracked eventually too so will blue-ray


It’s inevitably going to be cracked but I will bet dollars to donuts that it will be 100 times more difficult than the DVD was. I bet it’s a few years before there is something feasible.

both HDTV and Blu-Ray movies fail to impress me, most titles aren’t produced at such a resolution that there’s a startling difference between the two.

Take, for example, a few year old film like 5th Element. I’ve seen the original DVD (crap), SuperBit SD-DVD (excellent) and Blu-Ray title (nothing all that impressive). All you get with the Blu-Ray is super-slow load times and a ton more film grain… Same with Appolo 13 on HD-DVD.

Yes, but they still want to re-sell you the same movies with the the super-duper new high quality video. Hell, look how many times they re-release the same movies WITHOUT a format change. :hang:

I’ll be waiting until the protection and/or region locking is removed, by the Chinese companies who don’t give a shit about US copyrights.