blue "cobra' black wheels and DR's with a guage pod?

I saw this car out in hamburg last night… it had an 03 rear bumper (didnt see the front) and he was showing off in front of me and the car seemed slow and i def heard no supercharger whine… anybody know the car?

jcolvin??? if thats him its a real cobra

it looked like a real cobra… he certainly had the big tires on the rear… but he seemed to go WOT and i heard NO whine whatsoever

usually u only here the whine from the front side

they werent supercharged til 03ish, right?

yea, i was right next to it when he went by my passenger side… no whine… and ive heard alot of cobras in the past

03 and 04 hade the eatons on them

99-04 got the front and rear bumper

Was it slammed to the fullest, if its the one im thinking about it looks pretty sick. But usually those eatons are pretty loud.

Yeah stock cobra superchargers have quite a whine to them…you should hear it no problem.

jcolvin def he just got the drs

no thats not true

2001 front

2003 front


could have been an 03 on stock pulley, they arent too loud stock. but if you didnt hear any whine then maybe it was an 01 or 99 with oe bodywrok done :gotme:

r u suggesting 03s with stock pullies are quieter than 04s with stock pulleys? Get Outta Here! just cuz u own an 04 doesnt mean its the best! Bladez out dyno’s u all day long, get outta here!

lol youve been sitting on the computer for too long today. why dont you go work on your gay junkyard ls1 or lt1 or 305 tbi or whatever it is :giggle:

my blower is way too quiet, but yea, it sounds like you seen jcolvin’s car :gotme:

I know the car,its that blue cobra.