Blue Roughly Painted 240sx


so how about those AUTO VETTE owners!

so this is completely off topic but…

in your opinions, when does an automatic become a better choice as a transmission for a car?


In my opinion and auto tranny only belongs in a minivan or a straight drag car!

fuck manual daily drivers, I will never do that again. I get so sick of shifting gears day in and day out. Especially during rush hour

Agreed. I was all for getting a 5 or 6 spd when I bought my car, but since my wife doesn’t drive stick and I didn’t want to ahve to deal with teaching her how (she has no interest in it) I got an auto and I am glad I did. Sitting in 1 hour of traffic to go from downtown to BP (about 10 miles) is torture enough as it is. I can’t imagine doing it with a stick. I will get a manual when I get a fun weekend/project type of car, definitely not for my DD.

my wife drives a stick and we both agreed to never own a auto…

I only buy manuals in my daily drivers… i never care about driving in traffic… but that depends on the car and the clutch setup. i would only buy an auto if it never came in a manual, or was a straight up drag car.

im pretty sure you all know that i would much rather have got a manual, but the price was right…

We know … We just like fucking with ya!!

My truck is a stick … the Jeep is a stick … Lyndsi’s car is a stick but my DD Dakota is an auto. Its nice having the best of both worlds in a way. I love my truck in a manual tranny … but an auto would produce much better 1/4 mile time results (we will see how the stick does on the 4th) but the stick is a ton of fun on the street

i dont enjoy driving cars in auto at all. not one bit of fun. traffic doesnt change my decision either. Ill never buy an automatic.

I don’t care anymore. I’ll drive/own any transmission small to large vehicle.
Although big truck auto’s feel damn gay

I would make it illegal for people to own an automatic if it were up to me. It’s too damn easy to do everything instead of pay attention to driving with an auto, throw it in “D” and hit gas.

And I have 2 automatics in my driveway because the wife doesn’t want to learn how to drive a stick :frowning:

Will you ever buy a car that is faster than a Minivan?

I think i already bought one? Which minivan tho! haha

pussy whipped

thats the other side of it, Jodie is somewhat learning how to drive manual. But my clutch is probably praying that she stops wanting to learn. It is a pia orchestrating cars when she can only drive one out of three.

The same guy(blue 240sx hatch) was racing me on (no locations no0b*)like two weeks ago. i saw a front mount and some gay ass fixed headlight conversion , it was him and a sand colored wrx sti with a cracked windshield they hit like 125 ish mebe more i barely kept up in my black 2.3L auto mustang lol just wondering who these guys are though? any one know them ?

my girlfriend has been begging me to teach her how to drive a stick (ehhh heh heh).