
the epicenter of all that is interweb

I wondered when someone would blow up on him and his lies again. Has anything he ever claimed ever been confirmed? Aside form the fact he can’t take a mustang down a track straight?

As much as i hate to say it, i saw him in his purple/blue GTO about a year ago in the south hills:puke:

Just to verify, this is the guy that started another Pittspeedoff because he could not take it here?


Was this the guy that started another website because he didn’t like Pittspeed and it’s members?


I should change my name to 06ferrari

or legalMR2

U should actually STFU as well, u are NO different then when u were 300 pounds except for being more annoying now then ever.

okay and… what does that matter or relate to anything at all? I know you cant help but be on my nutsack but if you can stop mentioning this it would be nice.

Mentioning what? Your weight as of a few months ago?:stick: Your the one that advertises it daily some how some way

Fact. seen jay in the GTO and seen jay in the Z06. didn’t see the titles thou. i also saw jay hit a median and go airborne in the camaro and saw the aftermath of a bout with a jersey barrier in the cobra. rode in the mach 1 and the cobra. :dunno:

no, that was Sam

no asshole I do not, I only made about 5 posts about quit fucking crying about me losing weight and worry about yourself please… you would think someone who has been through 3 motors constantly cries on this board about everything in their life would just worry about themselves and not others!

thank you for the realization!


yeah. i went with him to get the cobra, i vaugely remmeber riding in the Mach after my bday, saw his 40th anniv GTP, and seen his old GTO

:dunno: just contributing?

Jealousys a bitch huh Dan:bowrofl: Who u gonna call and cry to this time?

He did have all of them, the Z06 is unspoken for and his job is as well as is alot of other things, this is not all relivent to what is being critisized though.

my thing from the begining is, something is shady. maybe he has the z06 but i think more than likely its his parents or whatever. dude claims to buy a house over 250k, a z06 he paid some on, a gto, another gto, a brand new gsxr750 all within a year or whatever of each other. and with a track record he has, plus not showing any proof. i’ll also go on record, saying that time in his sig is bullshit too until he proves it. cause how many of his times from his previous cars were shady as hell. dude can be cool, but at the same time hes got an attitude like hes the shit plus he bullshits, so whatever. if anything its something to keep me entertained on a slow friday at work.

not that i really care, or want to get involved. but i could give 2 shits what anyone thinks of me. so i could kinda see where he’s coming from.