
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: @ Sleeper… that was great… I laughed out loud in my office sitting here by myself!

x2 i havent laughed that hard in a while !!!

Good Shit Sleeper…

Well I don’t know BlueZ06 but I do know he is looking for me a PHD Material Science candidates. As well as placing an Industrial Designer. i have never met him just talked to him a bit and he has also spoken with my Vice-President of Technology. As for the vehicles I ahve seen about 6 pics of the Z06 but never in person. but I have also never met him. So he does exist and does work. and last I checked Recruiters make 6 figures. I know the PHD materials person we are looking at hiring is a 6 figure job and he gets 25% of that is a person is placed through him… take it for what it is worth… Seems ok to me.
You all care way too much about other peoples shit. Jelous much?

nooob, ask him about the time he died.

This has been going on for YEARS

DOn’t care enough to get involved in the baby momma drama. :jerkit:


well then stop posting.

stfu n00b. if you dont care to kno about what happened before then get out of the thread and dont preach about something you have no clue about.

fact > speculation+ignorance

he’s buddy’s with blue… speculation and assumptions are common place.

I know nothing about the guy other than he is doing some work for me and my Boss. That is Fact!

I wish there was speculation about Blue’s ability to post on these forums, therefore he assumed that he was unable to and never came back. That would be for the best.

people on this site are strange, I’d remain out of this, just because a lot of folks do not tend to act their age on here.


maybe u need to take ur own advice and but instead remain off of pittspeed period

Dude don’t try to turn this around…cut the fucking bullshit, man up or peace out. Is that mature enough for you?

[QUOTE=SoLow;550455][/QUOTE]:bigok: Told u it was all true!:bluez28:

So I’m guessing you skipped Kindergarten or Pre-School where they taught you not to lie? Therefore, you act about, what, 5?