BMW M what? v. Black Series Benz

6.0 Twin Turbo V12
661horsepower 738lb tq
Shed 570lb from regular SL

…with a price tag North of $300,000

So no M comparisons here. Car is fucking nice tho.

Omg, that thing is disgustingly hot.

In this day in age, 4klbs is the new 3klbs.

I know. I just threw that in there to upset the M lovers :stuck_out_tongue: That wide body almost gives me an erection.

my god that is beautiful


omg thats gorgeous

Merc is really making some mean looking cars lately.

but its still auto :gotme:

do want.

number one on a very short list of benz cars that i actually like.

i really like it though…

HOLY SHITBALLS thats hottttt!!!

the video of this car is sick

I hate this fact. Light cars are where it’s at.

It’s not really an M competitor, but as far a pure awesome goes it gets the nod.

the only M that is in that price range…

but the SL65BS is sweet, too bad it falls into this weird area compared to the CLK63BS

Now that they’re free of the chrysler ball and chain they can once again focus on what they are awesome at. And this is pretty awesome.

And I hate that 35 is the new 25, but hey, gotta love the Cougs’ on the prowl :stuck_out_tongue:


seriously dumb thread.

For 300K there are about 20 other cars I would rather have