
and an additional 3-5k per year in maintenance.


holy hell

I had hoped something as premium as the 7 series would be more reliable than that

How old are these cars?

How much did they cost new?

That should give you an idea of what to expect for maintenance costs. If you buy a car that was $80k new, you get maintenance costs of an $80k car. Deal.

its not really that bad. my 7 was 17 years old and there weren’t any problems with it I couldn’t fix

The mech stuff I have a guy to do that for.

Its the scary ghosts in the electronics that I am worried about

I guess the only other question is.

For a 97-99 Car with close to 100k miles or a little over

Is 8-10k a high price?

DONT BUY EURO LUXO … period … people who buy those things ,take them in for service and dont even ask questions … they just hand over the amex black card …

Get yourself a nice used Lexus LS400 …you wont regret it …

whoever made the lincoln ls suggestion … bad fuckin choice … those cars are complete garbage … and this is from a ford lover


I guess the only other question is.

For a 97-99 Car with close to 100k miles or a little over

Is 8-10k a high price?


if its well taken care of, decent miles on the clock, i’d think it would be worth around 8.

thats just me though. i mean its a 10 year old $80,000 car, so basically it depreciates 10k a year. i guess its more of is it worth what you’re going to put into it?

think of the cars in the 2002-2006 range that can be had for 10k.

I dunno why, Lexus is just not on the same level as BMW AUDI.

OH and btw this is basicly a giant cock extension, so I can be that guy.


e38 7 front brake calipers are NLA, used they go for about $200 per side.
e38 7 rear brake calipers are available, $245.52, per side.
$478.90 for 4 rotors
Pads are $111 per caliper
Hub/bearing assemblies for the rear are $180 each
Fronts are $197 each
etc etc

Funny part is, parts on the e38’s are the cheap parts, it’s the electrical gremlins and diagnostics at $75+ an hour that eat you alive. (oh yeah, and the 5’s are the same parts).


Mike is 100% right. We had an E38 740i back from like 98-02ish and the maintenence is absolutely crazy and is exactly like what is stated above. I myself had an E32 735i and it wasn’t quite as bad but its a lot worse than something like a lesabre.

Also the electrical issues mentioned are a pain in the ass. I wouldn’t ever buy one of these cars unless you have the money for the service.

e30 m3 FTW! :slight_smile:

First thing, verify the signal lights all work. It seems like every BMW I see on the road has inoperable signals.

Second, stop trying to buy more car than you can afford by simply adding on miles until you reach your price. If the most you can spend on a full sized luxury car is < 12k you shouldn’t be shopping full sized luxury cars.

If you’re planning on doing this with a loan think <50k miles. If it’s a 5+ year loan think <30k miles. Nothing like making payments on a car that is basically a 4000lb rock in your driveway because you can’t afford to fix it.

I figured I was going to spend 20k on my next daily.

There are some nice 03-04 5 series for that much.

same issues?

And this will most likely be financed in some way.

How much is being financed?

Unknown at this point. I am hoping no more than 10k.

I am looking to do this probably next summer, need to save up.