
myspace is still gay


gotta learn sometime though

Yeah, learn not to bring your screaming 4 year old brother to watch

Mouthful of dirt on a flyout…


you need to stop video taping me

Get a car.


funny… stupid thread ftw… delete

can people delete themselves also? like you perhaps?

there happy i deleted my own post… just cus i myself thought it was dum on my part…:doh:
delete me awe why would anyone wanna do that

why would you delete it when it’s already quoted and there for us to see exactly how retarded you are anyway? it makes no sense.

just to piss you guys off…
cus honestly i dont care any more

Wow is that old, those are the trails in SO CAL

seee ya later AW

LMFAO! & not at the original post…

was that sexwhitegirl as a kid and thats how her teeth got fucked up ???

