someone needs to lighten up

I don’t know what the deal is here but a lot of people’s posts on here including mine have been getting deleted for no good reason. People do nothing but joke around and talk shit on eachother all damn day but god forbid someone new does it or someone that doesn’t normally say anything. This will more than likely get deleted before anyone reads it but I could really care less. Hopefully the jackass that is doing this shit will read this and realize they’re fucking pathetic. Ban me if it makes you feel good. This shit is getting old fast.

mutintiy of poewter!??

i read it before it gets deleted.

Is it just me or is this happening to anyone else?

me powter said if keeps care of the boards

I’m talking about cracking a joke or someone offering services that isn’t a sponsor. It would be different if it was a threat to someone or something like that.


someone offering services that isn’t a sponsor is taken seriously. Getting your posts deleted happens, go whine about it somewhere else, either deal with it or leave. It happens to me, but I don’t make emo posts crying about it :dunno:

But yet you take the time to act like a hard ass. If you’re not the person that did it then it’s not your problem. Just the same as you tell me to leave, don’t read it if you don’t like it. And I’m sorry but there are many people on here that can offer help and get overlooked because money hungry people can’t stand to lose business they wouldn’t have in the first place if someone can’t afford high shop rates.

I’m not trying to pick a fight, but Pittspeed has a business component. Part of their business model is that business that subscribe to advertising and site sponsorship get top billing for automotive services. They pay good money for that service.

I know personally or know of the work of every site sponsor that bought this advertising, and all of them are competent hard working people. Disparaging them by calling them money hungry is hardly fair.

Please consider your post content carefully when deciding to respond in a thread as to it’s sub-forum location. Moderation happens when a post is inappropriate in a given form (as far as I’ve seen).

also do u enjoy the board when ur on?
Us mods cant cause we have to babby set a lot of PPL on here so it turn into a mess,dont like PLEASE EXIT!:beer:

Typically anything goes in Off-Topic, as long as it isn’t a racial slur, about someone’s family, etc. And if it turns into a battle then it may get moved to E-fighting. Most of the deleted posts are in the classifieds (random bumps from a non-seller, “if i had the money…”, “i wouldn’t pay that much”, etc.) just to try to keep them clean for the person selling.

I checked your posts for the past several months and you’ve only had two deleted (unless I missed one). One that was business related (as someone mentioned), and one where someone was asking for help in one of the car-specific forums.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I don’t believe anyone is trying to go crazy with deleting posts. There may be some inconsistencies in deletions, but usually because it’s hard to check every post, especially the classifieds which have been a busy area lately. My $0.02.


go :crying: somewhere else.

I deleted your post because im pissed my car wont start and i needed an answer as to why it wasn’t to be “because it’s a Ford” no fucking shit.

lol, mine runs…

This does beg the question though,

Who is the most censored/ deleted poster in PS history??

my $ is on darkstar

you forgot about quik and sleeper

shelby gets alot deleted. :kekegay:

Mine get deleted a lot, I don’t really give a shit though.

For example. In Cutty’s post about how Olds did all that shit before everyone else, I cracked a joke saying “Where are they now?” You know, just busting his balls about Olds. That post got deleted real quick.

i feel ur pain…put work into something and things still don’t go right…

pitt speed use to be cool when i first join. now im deleting my account. its not even fun anymore