someone needs to lighten up

Dude, that was a joke. People say worse shit than that every day on here and also I understand it sucks when a car won’t start. I really don’t know you all that well but I would have offered my help if you still didn’t have it running. My point is unless someone is causing a problem there’s no need to delete a post.

i’ve had posts deleted. i started a thread yesterday with a pic and it was gone not even 5mins later…it wasn’t even that bad…no nudity, no swearing…just a women (fully clothed) with huge tata’s under her car trying to fix it and it said at the bottom “why women can’t fix cars” … because she had huge tata’s. what’s wrong with that?? yet in another one of my threads i had asked if anyone knew a kid that drove a certain vehicle and everyone was givin me shit about it and yet all of there “non-post” related comments are there. but whatever i guess…f it!

I completely understand mods have a job to do but when it gets to the point that you can’t joke around the site isn’t really much fun anymore. From what you just told me that’s nothing bad at all. If everyone takes this as my “crying” then so be it.

c-ya BYE :booty:

Thread backfire.


its the internet, take it with a grain of salt.

I’ve heard people bitchin about posts being deleted, and didn’t think anything about it, but now I noticed mine and someone else’s posts were deleted in the same thread, and there was no bashin… it was really just conversation…

didn’t really understand that one…

and on that note. edit screw it ill keep it open

Look this is the internet, people (from what iv’e seen) tend to be more fluent with the words they choose then in person. Im sure you know this by now.

The reason threads get deleted etc etc. sometimes is a gut call. The mods of pittspeed were not just picked because we like them. Even though Pewter is pretty sexy, but because they make good decisions.

When a person calls out someone and it gets outrageous then yes it will get deleted.

Not to mention, try to make sure you know all the factors that happened in your thread before calling a mod out. This happened recently with me when a member came to me asking why his thread had been deleted. Well he apparently did not see the thread go down hill the past day and he thought I deleted it for no reason. I explained to him what happened etc etc and everything was fine.

Please if you ever have a problem with something that gets deleted ask a mod why. There is always a reason behind it. Unless your shelby we just delete his threads to jag him :bigthumb:


this sometimes does happen if your buddies or people you know are on here jaggin around. WE do not know your friends, so thats why things get deleted.


I can vouch for this…can’t remember exactly who but it was a discussion about where you live and blah blah blah…long story short i had mentioned my brother getting killed two streets over from where we grew up…someone said “he was probably a piece of shit” trying to suggest that he was a shady individual and deserved it…thread was INSTANTLY locked…you can see the nasty problem that would have arisen from that one. Watch what you say and even how you say it…half the people on here wouldn’t say what they say on here in person so you have no worries

People will act in a different manner over the internet then in person. Most of the poeple I have met from PittSpeed have been nothing but courteous and friendly to me. If you talk shit or talk about someone behind their back, epspecially here, they will find out. My general rule of thumb is treat everyone with the same repsect you would want, minus Pewter, because he loves to hit on my girlfriend.

Only if one takes offense to being called money hungry, some may consider it a compliment.

Money never sleeps pal.

Hell, I love money. And my money is invested in 5 different world markets. It don’t sleep!

im sure i will get banned or this post will get deleted but, i have met and delt with some decent people on here, then on the other hand there are a bunch of assholes, if you are not part of the pittspeed crew, and i guess this board is about money, weather its admitted or not

:bowrofl: kthnxbye!

Seriously, for everyone that doesn’t want to be here… just leave. Don’t make any posts about it, just go.

just voicing my opinion, not here to get in an argument, thought thats what the board was for

x2, I think think this is the first thing you and I have ever agreed upon. :greddy:

At the same time, nobody here is going to beg you to stay.

This board offers a free service for you to meet other car enthusiasts in the area. Pittspeed is 100 times cleaner than it used to be, so don’t be too offended if you don’t get sympathy for post deletion. And at the same time, what good is crying about your post getting deleted going to do?

If you truly have something important to say or post, and it doesn’t break any commandments, 9 times out of 10 it does NOT get deleted. If it does get deleted and you still have an important message for a member or members, send a private message.

If it’s so important and you don’t want to use a PM, maybe some other type of medium would be better to convey your message.

just a bit upset over the fact that a few times people mentioned me for doing work, it gets deleted, i understand there are sponsers, and you do not see me on here trying to promote my work, but then when someone mentions me and i dont even see the post or even know of it etc, i hear of how it gets deleted, and once i sent a pm to the board bout sponsership and i never got an return back on it, just think its ignorant when i have mentioned sponsers to other people, for parts work etc,

on top of that, obviously i am not a greedy person considering i have given work to a few sponsers of this site on my own stuff, and have suggested them for others on board and off the board