Bobby Abreu

24 home runs in one round, in the derby… that was something

no roids no care

:eek2: :eek2: holy shit i just realized what your wrote

i saw that. is that a new record? i don’t watch them very often, but the most i’ve seen was like 15 or so

thanks…it was tough

He deserved to be there and he’s been lights out this year.

Abreu is quality

no doubt the baseball were wound a bit tighter for the derby so it would be a lil more entertaining. Did anyone see abreu’s bat when it broke? it caved in… how do you cave in a solid bat? hmmmmmm :corked: It don’t matter thou, they should let them do what ever they want for the derby cause its supposed to be spectacular.

yea, who cares, id rather see 20 home runs than 5