Bobcat or other small excavator

I need to clear an area 20’x30’x8" for a patio project and I need to move that dirt 50’ into garden beds. It is pretty simple work to get done and I know that I can go rent a skid steer for about $200. Maybe there is someone on here with one and with the operating skills that I do not poses?

If anyone has the equipment let me know. Also if anyone is crazy and just wants some extra cash I would not be adverse to doing it by hand, but moving around 15cu.yd of dirt by hand does not sound very fun.

If you rent the bobcat I will drive it into your house for free.

That may actually help me significantly, It would give me the $$ to have the place resided. Make sure you take out a bunch of windows as well, I want to replace them too.

I will ask my buddy. He does all kinds of odd jobs like this. We were just talking about breaking up my driveway and pouring cement

Just rent one do it yourself. I was nervous the time I rented one but it easy to learn. After about 30 minutes you will be good… and it is fun!!!

Yeah… I agree, but I also don’t want to make the space worse.