Yard Work Helper

Looking for 1-2 people to help me move some dirt. I’ll have a tiller to loosen it up, some shovels, and a wheelbarrow. I have already done a vast majority of the work but a couple of dirt piles/patches still remain.

Make some mod-money!

Located in/on Grand Island.

Even if you can just help for 3 or 4 hours, it would be very helpful.
Ideal dates/times are Friday 5/25 6pm-Sunday 5/2 7pm, but I might still need help next weekend too. Let me know what times work so I can coordinate the tiller rental.

Will pay $20/hour.

Must be able to do the work/lifting
Must be over 18 (don’t need child labor/growth stunting problems)
Provide own transportation
Must not be serial killer or at least confirm I’m not your type
Must provide own sun protection. Not responsible for red necks.
Reply or PM if interested.

This is for your own personal job or is it for someone else?

You can hire me as the job site foreman. I can supervise and watch everyone work properly.

This is for my own personal yard. I am not secretly subcontracting out some landscaping work.

I’m trying to make the best of a pool install that was quite destructive to my yard.

The breakdown:

I have one wide dirt pile that was about 5 feet high (leftover from digging out my pool) that I’ve gotten down to about 1 foot high. I’d like to get it back all the way down and plant grass, or at least to a reasonable level and turn it into a flower bed/rock garden. I’ve already hauled away a dumpster full of dirt and will probably throw the rest into the woods.

I also have one patch where the pool excavator tore up the grass (which I’ve killed off with weed killer) that I want to turn into a flower bed with paver blocks around the outside.

And boxxa, your reply was hi-larious and I might need your services if I fall asleep on the job. You might need to be the safety guy so no one trips on a shovel.

It is a very important job for every work site. I also require that I get paid twice as much as the people actually doing the work and a percentage of their hourly pay goes to me as well.

Make sure you have a couple of these!


not anywhere near that stage yet. tilling til 8pm, all welcome

Are you tilling your whole yard and then seeding?

no. just one area torn up by a bobcat and another area where the bobcat piled a bunch of dirt. still have hours and hours of tilling to do. could really use 1-2 more people between now and 11am. Then will evaluate what is left.

$hit, I am in town, I can run a mexican high lift, and I have a valid mexican dump truck licence… shoot me a text