This car is a pile of shit.
FINALLY…glad somebody said it
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
I’ll even quote it.
quote ftw
Come get your zoop seal before you still the car lol
nice sumitumo’s… those babies rated for tx mile speeds?
Shit aint going anywhere!!!
I cant wait to take a dump on that stupid boy racer wing
Yep :thumbup
ill trade a ride in the cobra for a ride in the can of cold pooped corn soup
No worries, whenever you want this shit is slow.
Me and Wayne are gonna roll through Colonie Central high with the top off and both of us in full pedobear suits. :thumbup
fuckin a. how many of got a younger sister?!??!!
no comment
mind if i hang off the wing? colonie central slutz are the best… yummz :thumbup
CT reppin the five one eightz
(CT = colonie thugs for all u who didnt go to colonie and no i was not part of this)
Sure why not.
oh god. colonie thugzzz whta a bunch of wannabe hoodlums
This car sucks
What happened buddy