Boost Infested's 240sx *NEW PICS PG.7*

:werd: nice interior :lol:

That’s one big turbo Jack…I’m a little scared now :oops:
How does the HKS sound with it??


Oh come on :butthead: …I have one sitting here and I’m debating whether I want to switch out the blitz SS or not.

Maybe I’ll keep the blitz so people don’t get my car confused with yours, seeing how yours will always be the slow one. :tonqe:

:shhh: :argue

uh oh …calgary fight

You are such a Ricecake… :cheer: go ahead and stay with the Blitz… i rather be slow than gay sounding… :eyepoke

I love these kind of posts on message boards. “oh what does your exhaust sounds like?” “oh which bov sounds the best”

well here my hks: “… ppppiist chuu chuu pist” :player:

:rant: thankyou…

if you have both bovs why not try them both? your car is just outside of your house no? see you this sat Z3nki :fencing: :tongue:

Whoa chill out there boost_infected…no need to get your knickers in a knot, I was just curious because I needed to sell one of them.
And for the record, I’ll most likely be slower than you, so you better get those sweet tailights so I have something nice to look at.

chillout? lol didnt you see all the smilies i added in my reply? … :finga:

Calgaryans are very protective when it comes to their BOV’s :rolleyes:

lol, nah we’re just playing around. There’s probably half as many bov’s in this city than there is in edmonton :stuck_out_tongue:

where’d you get the gram lights and how much did you pay. I hope you didn’t order them from the usa and have to pay crazy customs charges. please tell me please. Was it a website or? thank you.

its all how you declare the value on your stuff. I saved just over 400bucks by getting these down from Florida and it includes the shipping cost.

What tires are going on those bad boys?

Nice car man I love it i’m so jealous

Loving those wheels man very nice

Roll, roll, roll the roller gently down the…fender! :cheer:

tempted to flare it out but i dont feel like getting the whole car repainted… close enough…

nice fender roller, would it be possible to use it if I came to Calgary?


Looks hot. So you just use this roller extra hard, and it will pop out the fender like you see on all those cars? Looks tight.

flaring the fender is a good thing if you are going 10" without wide fender panels. But the down side is with this much stretch in metal, you better prepare to paint the car.

Nice roller. I just wish I did that befroe I painted my car. I might just have to purchase one for myself. :smiley: Yes what tire size you going with? Prob wont need to streach tire now hey