
why dont you bring out that shitbox of yours or you afraid of a truck? you laughed at the thought of 11s in a truck especially my truck but you soley dont have a fuckign 11s pass. and now with 500 hp you dont have one either. your 11s pass was fake and hand written. bring out the tune cause im callign you out on a none tuned truck. also bring full out slicks for all i care. ill meet you on your streets, ill meet you down Mt. Pleasant it doesnt matter.

i know you wont come out for the hamilation of getting beat by a TRUCK thats owned by yours truely cause you wont ever live it down on PS

come find me son!!! and after im done with you ill pass you on to a trailblazer, elcamino and whatever other truck out there

why if u wIN,no need for the TB to race it,cause its faster!

the amount of broken english in this thread kills me… and I don’t think sam can see this forum… yet

well teach us O’great one,i had to work as a child,so that left sleepy time in school!

honestly tell me what this says…

why if u when,no need for the TB to race it,cause its faster!

easy it says when I beat sammy badly why should brian have to race him? he thinks his TB is faster then my truck so he doesnt need to race sammy when im doing the light work lol

see homo not everyone has parents that will spoon feed us when were growing up. Some of us did have our cords cut at birth. I mean its ok to still be attach but u know being 24 or 25 and not having the cord cut yet its really funny and thats something i would be ashamed of if I was u. Its funny u busting on his grammer i mean u do have a good point his grammer is just as bad as u tryin to build a car.

i am not even sure what to say about this, you really put me in my place now… good work

ooooo… when = win TB = trail blazer

now it makes sense

and itr can now see this forum

:rofl: wrong word ,no wonder u where :confused:!:doh:

but it wasnt as bad as u made it seem,i think u under stood!

I will make you my bitch soon enough.

last time I checked your truck didn’t have a timeslip at all. Like I said before if you want the 550whp version that is fine but I still need that tune on the car. by july 14 sport compact night I will have it. you chose. do you want to lose to the 400hp version or the 550hp version?

sorry only bitch here is you. i called you out when do you want some? do what you need to do little boy cause youre going to need to do something

but whatever you do dont go crying to your boyfriend after you lose and start pulling that emo bullshit and try sliting your wrists

bwahhhhhhhhh…I will let you know when. you just be ready. infact tune your shit then talk to me. I don’t want any excuses when I crush you.

sounds like someone isnt ready, go make more power we all know when shitboxes hit 500 they dont go any faster they just break shit