
If you’re ever bored and looking for something to do…go get hernia surgery.

It’s like an episode of ER. Tons of fun…let me tell you. :ugh2:

You get to look forward to holding your stomach to laugh, cough, and sneeze. haha. Ow.

im guessing u just had it…so i guess its good to see it was a success
sorry to hear about it tho

i had a umbilical hernia repaired. they slice ya right below your belly button to fix it. they had to postpone the surgery once due to me having pnemonia. i still wasn’t over it when they cut me, it was hard not coughing. next time you have a surgery, tell them your nervouse about being put under, they’ll give ya a valium. :naughty:

That’s what I just had. I had an umbilical hernia repaired when I was 18. It was on the bottom of my belly button. This umbilical hernia was on the top. They were actually going to remove my belly button for this one.


I could have told people that I was born in a tube. My mind starting racing with stories about why I don’t have a belly button. I got to keep it, though.

umbilical hernia - me too about 4 years ago. No fun.

don’t worry, i was born with a hernia. scar was down and to the right of my belly button. its covered up nowadays.

not by cock!:kekegay:


:rofl: awesome, ppl in johnstown/altoona would have believed you too!


no, its too high for my massive penis to cover it (that hangs low), its covered by my bush.

trim that shit lil africa!

lol, i should. can’t find the time, lost my watch in it

roflmao,time sure does fly when your having fun eh!

How weird is that… two guys I work with just had hernia surgery too, both on Tuesday.

I’ve been told that hernias are actually hereditary.

My first hernia was from screaming. I don’t know what made this one blow out.

Surgery was only 15 minutes today.