Hernia Surgery

Well, my 2 year old son has to go in for surgery on a hernia tomorrow. It sucks having to go into this knowing that they have to put him under and that he has to have surgery.

I know everything will be ok and that it’s normal to worry (trust me, my wife is alot more worried). It’s just one of those things that no one wants to have to go through.

Thought I’d come on here just to talk about it somewhere… talking to the wife gets her all in tears so I don’t want to do that.

I’ll come back on here maybe tomorrow to let everyone know how it all went.

These surgeries are second nature to doctors, it’ll be relatively easy.

I had one around 1 1/2 years old. They say it’s simple routine nowadays.
It should be fine.

Plus at 2, he won’t remember any of it. I don’t.

It’s your kid, of course you are going to worry.

just remember that it could have been much worse.
this is simple compared to some things.

These things are very routine. Hell I had one about two years ago. Ill tell you though the little bugger is going to be in some serious pain for at least a week afterward. I know it was hell for me to even get off the couch to go to the bathroom.

We are now home and he is resting comfortably. Everything went very well. Damn what a long day at the hospital!

good to hear :tup:


My parents puppy had an umbilical hernia when born. Duncan has recovered fully from surgery now he is able to go full throttle with his identical twin brother Mac Gregor they have plowed me over a few times west highland terror

What Caused your tots hernia?

Don’t know… could’ve been born with it for all we know.