Laparoscopic Surgery

Going for a consultation Tomorrow at 2:30. I am nervous as Hell. Has anyone had that surgery done on them before?


What kind of questions do you have?

Yeah i had a hurnia (spelling?) when I was 6. All i remember is having a crush on the nurse and the gas getting me high for my first time. Also the doc made me count to 5 and pull down my pants at the same time. That is stuck in my head. Then I woke up and peed my pants. Told my mom, and passed back out. Then I went home when I woke up the second time.

So how may I help you?


Whats its like? hurts after wards? Just want to hear the experiences.

Minor pain for 2 days. It was just a minor surgery.

Its a pretty common surgery. There is always a risk taken. Most ppl do well with the pain. Usually Iv Narcotics for a couple days or some By Mouth pain meds. Some patients never need pain medication at all. Depending on the procedure the patients I have taken care of do much better than Open surgerys or Incisional based Surgeries. 3-5 day hospital stay then DC. Just hope you have a team of DR and Nurses that know what they are doing. Questions there actions if they seem wrong. Make them Wash there Hands… Esp the Interns!
What are you having done?

In the last 4 years I had Abdominal pain in my Right Lower Quadrant. The Pain comes and goes once in a while. I had numerous Cat Scans and Ultrasound ruling out Appendicitis and Gallbladder/Stone. There were 4 different occasions that the pain was too excruciating and I needed medical Help. I had Colonoscopy done and Upper GI series. EVERYTHING was NEGATIVE. One thing my Cat Scan showed was that my Lymph nodes in my stomach were enlarged or inflated. Cause of it is unknown.

2 weeks ago I was Hospitalized for 5 Days because of the Pain. I was given Dilaudid for my pain. I had a very strong effect on me that when I was off of it on the 4th day, I was still thinking I was in the Hospital the 2nd day…pretty much I was passed in and out for 2 days.

As of now the Pain is gone and I know it will come back. If I push down on my side it hurts like a bitch. So my Primary MD and my GI MD are sending me to have this surgery.

Sounds like they are following the correct Medical Care Path. Esp if the pain is impairing your Activities of Daily Living where you need to be hospitalized. Most patients prob 90% of the ones I take care of do well where I work in an Intermediate Care Unit and those ppl are usually pretty sick and have multiple 2nd Diagnosis complicating their health.

Well on the Bright side I was still at work when I was Hospitalized. :lol: I WORK AT THE SAME HOSPITAL. So I didn’t have to go far to go to the E.R. after my shift ended. :poke:

so they’re basically doing exploritory surgery to see if they can locate the problem? sounds like the logical next step if your pain has been and continues to be that severe. there is a limit to what ct scans and mri’s can show. good luck and i hope that they find the cause and fix it so you feel better.

Call it a “diagnostic laparoscopy”. Expect a few small-ish holes (maybe 1/4" to 1" in size), and with luck, relatively little pain.

I’ve done a few, but then again, I slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night…

Oh, and don’t expect the actual procedure at the first consultation.

Yea, the “pain” factor will all depend on what they are doing; basically what they find/repair.

I’ve had arthoscopy surgery done twice; once on each knee. Same type of surgery, as it’s just a method (The small holes, with a camera); the pain/recovery all comes from the repair they do when they’re in there.

Like my L Knee was a breeze, hardly any pain, easy rehab, but I only had the damaged tissue removed. I had my R knee done 17 days ago, and had my meniscus repaired with 3 stitches; this time it FUCKING SUCKS!!! Lots of pain, rehab is slow as hell, and it’s just a longer process and more painful because more was repaired.

just came back. No date yet, but it should be around end of June. He also said that he will take out the appendix while he is at it.

Let the nail biting begin.

Alright. I am scheduled for Friday the 13th @11AM :lol: Any superstitious people here?

I had my appendix removed this past October. I’m terrified of hospitals, surgery, etc., but it went pretty well. I was admitted around 7:30pm on a Monday evening and was discharged around noon the following day. I have 3 little scars, the longest being at most 3/4" long.
After this experience I’m a firm believer in Karma.
Hope everything goes well for you, and they can pinpoint what’s causing the pain. It’s gotta suck to be dealing with this all the time.